
I guessed the National Park Service. The date falling during TR's presidency makes it a legitimate guess. Turns out it was founded 10 years later. But not ashamed of my educated guess. (Also, thought Forest Service was established as part of New Deal. Just…seems like a New Deal program. Oh well.)

No need to insult my vocabulary. I got the correct response after re-reading the clue. I know what "survey" means. I also know that the word has numerous definitions. As for "most adapted," any professor actually reading student work would write "awk" over that. It is not clear writing.

I got Stephen King, but, yet again, the FJ phrasing had me flummoxed for a few seconds. The word "survey" connotes asking opinion-based questions more so than it does an examination.
And what the hell does "most adapted" mean? Whose work was cumulatively altered more than any other's? "Most often adapted" would be much

With Scott being an acquaintance, I'm glad I didn't have to unload a flurry of no-no words at the tv. Just a little with 1945 being a triple-stumper. He live-tweeted this game and confirmed there was a challenge to his "Afrikaan" (without "s") before DD2 and it was indeed acceptable. Hoping he does again tomorrow

Obviously, the words were written and preserved. But the word "text" threw me off DD3. Could it have been phrased better? Is my brain just miswired? I just spit out "The Aeneid" just to say something. Now THAT is a text.

I'm just glad none of the British Poets clues mentioned a certain poet—depriving Trebek of the opportunity to assault us with his shitty brogue.

I immediately thought The Zombies. Then knew they weren't a trio. Went to A and got ABBA quickly. Then could not get The Zombies out of my response.
And then I read that they're not even in that horseshit stupid friends club.

FJ clue said the word was "used to describe" something. If the adjective "panoramic" isn't acceptable, that's on the writers for crafting yet another shitty FJ clue.

RIP Sad Rogelio

Bellamy said to turn the rover around. Everyone exits the vehicle, including Monty from behind the wheel. Then when Raven returns, it's conveniently turned around so she can see a dying Sinclair in the lights. And there wasn't even room inside to perform a K-turn.
This wasn't a blink-and-you-miss-it continuity error.

"Dammit, Peggy. I'm trying to contain an outbreak and you're driving the monkey to the airport!"—Hank Hill

FJ was fair. Brain went to Indonesia, but couldn't think of Jakarta in the 30 sec and settled on Kuala Lumpur. Wiki says KL is 3 degrees 8' N, so I wasn't far off geographically. But it's 25th in population.

Do I have to start a damn Problems With FJ Phrasing subthread every damn day? The word "practical" almost threw me. I almost second guessed myself into settling on digital clock or maybe even wrist watch.

Yet another awful FJ where the clue does not lead to a definitive answer—resulting in legitimate, yet incorrect, responses.
If the writers don't care about their jobs, there are a multitude of smart fans who can craft clues that reward knowledge.

Mine just said "'Sleep Walk' playing" with little music note emojis.

Did lotsa googling. This interview with Gilligan/Gould at http://collider.com/better-… says it was Junior Brown, who recorded it for the show. Puzzle solved.

I just replayed the intro. That was not the original Santo and Johnny "Sleep Walk." It was extra Hawaiian-ified (and began moments after C-Span mentioned "Senator Akaka").
Whosampled.com notes 17 covers, but none of the 12 with Youtube links were it. And the other few didn't seem right. It has to have been covered more

Suchet, Trebek.

Decades of Jeopardy(and trivia from crosswords, etc) and I never knew more about Poirot than the fact that he was an Agatha Christie character on the Orient Express. Has anyone here ever actually read the books?

I'm pretty sure that would get shot down. I just reread the clue and it seems nothing indicates "negative" in there. It's usually best to avoid too much information.