Brawny baseball monk Tim Tebow will reportedly not join the Mets in 2017, according to general manager Sandy…
Brawny baseball monk Tim Tebow will reportedly not join the Mets in 2017, according to general manager Sandy…
His status has been downgraded to “dead,” but we’re optimistic he’ll be back by the end of the season.
A decade or two from now people will wonder how the NFL went from being immensely popular to being a fringe sport.
The dangers of concussions have been well-documented since prehistoric times, when Fred Flintstone would get bonked on the head by bowling ball and turn into an international bon vivant (h/t Harvey Birdman, attorney at law)
He died doing what he loved...
[Borat voice] very nice
I think you meant to write “Woke Baeby”
FiveThirtyEight has a cool breakdown of American soccer fandom and the huge lead Manchester United, who suck, have. Somehow, Leo Messi only has more American fans than 14 MLS teams.
Man, for whatever reason this comment is in my personal Kinja Hall of Fame. You fucking nailed it. Thank you.
“Had no idea today was Jose Bautista bobblehead day.” (Via @DriveThruDuck)
Watching Bautista’s helmet spin at about the same rate as Odor’s necklace is goddamn hypnotic.
The spinning helmet and flying glasses were absolutely perfect. Outstanding.
“Donnybrook” and “big fleshpile” used in the same clip. Wonderful.
You’ve obviously never baked a bundt cake for your wife.
Did he mean to go full Ricky Bobby? In any case, amazing.
Can they bring back Konerko? 15 plus years on the South Side, and not a fucking problem with the guy.
I will never not read your name as ChorizoRuns. And I mean that in the best possible way.
This is the kind of question that I'll probably never be able to answer.
This is great, but how about the NFL’s creepy insistance that I have unprotected sex after the game?