
Really does it super bother you? It’s really something you care a whole lot about? Or are you just bitching.

OMG What a load of bullshit. It’s a f-ing cover that literally no one noticed or gave a shit about. Meanwhile, real stuff is happening to real women out there and THIS is what you’re writing about. Jeez. How old are you?

And there you go, bullying people. Nice.

Creativity and freedom of expression trumps cultural appropriation. If you don’t like it, don’t read it, see it, listen to it, etc. but don’t you DARE tell someone what they can and can’t do with their own mind, thoughts, etc. You are NOT the thought police. This isn’t 1984. You don’t own anyone. You don’t get to

Actually we don’t have an OBLIGATION. I have an obligation to make sure my children are fed, loved, cared for and have literal safe space to live. I don’t—even as a white person—have an OBLIGATION to make sure anyone’s voices are heard. Though is certainly a good thing to do.

So true.

You are definitely reading into it. There’s no tone. You are absolutely looking for a fight. There’s nothing more desperate that someone looking to fight someone who is 99% on the same page. All reactive rage, none of the danger of taking on an actual enemy.

So it wouldn’t bother you that some people are co-opting your authentic identity for their own nefarious purposes? So you’d rather let literally anyone make a mockery of your actual existence instead of even questioning the idea that some people put on identities for superficial reasons? That’s sort of sad. Check

I’m not thrilled with the MOTHER either who ignored the testimony of his niece and put her own children in danger. She’s just as bad. Worse, even, since she KNEW he was a predator and did nothing to stop it.

I guess put to the rack, drawn and quartered, disemboweled, castrated, raped, tortured in all sorts of ways, forced to fight to the death. That’s a few.

I GRADUATED Rutgers in 93” so if you’re old....

Let me ask you—why are you so committed to idea that he WASN’T watering down the horror Holocaust? I mean, a refugee camp and a place where people were stolen out of there homes, crammed into a train, separated into kill now/work to death/kill later are very different animals. You seem really sure he was referring to

It DOES actually, because he was SPECIFICALLY COMPARING THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS OF THE HOLOCAUST TO THE REFUGEE CAMPS. He was 100% making a comparison to the two. He didn’t know break out the term to mean any rounding up of people in a concentrated space. Perhaps the term has wider meaning, but not in this case.

Jesus, I can’t believe you’re actually working this angle. In the modern era, concentration camp has meant the Holocaust. Just like when Americans take about slavery we’re not referring to Jews kept as slaves in Egypt. Or any of the myriad instances of slavery throughout history. You just hate Jews. You know it. We

I totally agree with you. The irony, is that he probably thinks he’s being EXTRA racially sensitive by accusing show runners of whitewashing poor Indian actors. I don’t know who annoys me more—in-your-face racist right wingers or racist by trying to be any racist leftists

Me too. So much so that I doubt my last name even WAS my last name (it’s the name of a European city).

That’s interesting. Grace is hard to say?

On the other hand, FU for thinking she’s too “Indian” to play a character from a bi-racial family. See how I did that?

Define “accepting and diverse”? Because that’s exactly what’s happening, though not necessary according to they way you define it. Accepting that an Indian character has a white-sounding name (and not a stereotypical one in your mind) actual speaks the the diversity of the Asian-American experience. Some have

You can’t win. Name a character Raj Patel it’s a stereotype. Name him William Winthrop and it’s whitewashing. Clearly call out a characters background, people whine about how it’s irrelevant to the character and it’s pandering or tokenism. Ignore it (it’s not an “Indian, black, female, etc.” doctor—just a doctor) and