
I’m not sure that’s not just as biased to assume someone who is of Indian or whatever descent needs an “ethnic” last name. It’s like expecting my Jewish son to be named Schlomo Goldenbergenstein.

In the Magicians, Penny is a nickname—his last name is Adiyodi (which I searched for on Linked In and it’s an Indian last name.)

Oh come on!!!! The poster was talking about humans, so this response is simply BS. That said, there are intersex people and people born with chromosomal abnormalities that make the XY vs XX paradigm untrue.

Or, he can’t handle being defamed for something he didn’t do—all so some dime-a-dozen singer could get out of a contract.

Maybe it’s because he DIDN’T do anything? I actually believe that she’s full of shit—I think she wanted out of the contract for whatever reason, and thought he’d fold to avoid bad publicity. Turns out, he’d rather fight than admit something he didn’t do. His actions make 100% good sense if he’s innocent. The problem

I totally hear what you’re saying, but the silver and shekels thing is reading a bit antisemitic. Just saying.

Do you mean like when they “ripped” open my abdomen and “shoved” their hands inside to pull out my child who was being choked by his umbilical cord? I told them “NO” “STOP” but those a-holes did it anyway just so my son could be born alive. Talk about being treated like dead meat.

I’m sorry but how on earth would you know what’s “medically” necessarily? Between your judgement and my doctor’s I will go with my doctor’s ANY time.

Except for the most FAMOUS horror monsters: Jason (white), leather face (white), Hanibel Lecter (white), Freddy (white), that Saw guy (white), the a-holes in Hostel (all white), Human Centipede (creepy white), Scream (white guys), Jaws ( a great WHITE shark), the Ring (creepy white girl)...that’s off the top my

Well, if you WERE fat and on a diet that you refused to stick to, probably. If you were thin and on the pork, potatoes and asparagus diet, then no, I’m sure he’d think you were fine. Duh.

I thought a smoothie meant you had to add “creamy” ingredients?

I think the issue is her lack of self control. For all we know, she INSISTED on doing a juice cleanse, then broke it because she can’t control herself. A diet coke?

Either is a cracker, but if you’re on a no carb diet you BROKE the diet.

Sorry, but I am not team Kesha. It’s her JOB to look good—and for the small prices of doing so, she gets to make MILLIONS of dollars being no more talented than 1000s of other would-be performers who would be happy to stick to a freaking juice cleanse and take direction from a producer who is also her boss. Is he a

So much of this is jealousy, I think. All these woman—in their silly pussy has and all—rallied in way unseen in a while if ever. And there’s BLM feeling what about meeeeeeeee, what about our cause, why aren’t your rallying for us? And the answer—which doesn’t seem to satisfy—is that it was a march by (mostly) and for

No, it isn’t. No more than my reproductive rights are related to rising anti-semitism (which BLM has don’t utterly zero to help with).

This is EXHAUSTING. I donate money to the CCFA because my young son has Crohn’s. I feel bad about people with ALS—I know it’s far worse than having Crohn’s. Nevertheless, I’m more vested in CCFA finding a cure for the disease my son has, so that’s where my money goes.

I got what you were saying.

Jeez. Did you even read what he wrote? You didn’t even come close to understanding. He was knocking the fact there isn’t a chance anyone thought these woman voted for Trump—meaning a t-shirt is pointless.

Wait, so white woman are treated like shit in this world—but not AS shitty as women of color—so we should stop caring about unimportant things like access to abortions, birth control, child care, glass ceilings and all that white girl crap? That’s bullshit. Given the state of things, I don’t care about intersectional