
So it’s a privilege competition than? Good God, the situation’s hopeless then.

Here’s the problem: marginalized people are deservedly PISSED. But the people primarily responsible (the right) truly give a flying F. So the marginalized lash out at left instead (who do care and trip over themselves trying be on the “correct” side of things), making the entire left weaker, whinier and stuck. That’s

I agree—boring, unfunny videos are a common and persistent problem. I’m glad you’re focusing on this important issue rather than something pointless like, say, how charter schools exploit a vulnerable population for financial gain. Why tackle real issues when you can trash an overexposed comedian instead?

Love you.

Perhaps it’s not racist, just insipid, and your need to find bigotry in a stupid video is just an excuse to not actually do ANYTHING of value to actually elevate people of color. And if this is “more than a little racist” I don’t know how your get out of bed in the morning. (How come the sidewalks are white, while

Well, intersectionally doesn’t apply to women who are Jewish.

By which you mean only being concerned about what matters to women of color, right? So black feminists can be selfish and myopic but white feminists needs to think intersectionally, or else F them and their issues. Got it.

She a freaking commedian! Judge her by the laughs... of which, frankly, there were few (the only thing offensive about what she did is how unfunny it was).

So is segregation now a GOOD thing or now? Please choose now so we can stop this utter petty bullshit. Either live in your own communities, commit to your own schools, run your own black-only businesses OR realize that becoming part of a diverse culture is that everyone will take the good stuff from each other.

If “some culture isn’t made for her” (meaning white people) then stop releasing music to people who aren’t white. Stop selling tickets to people who aren’t white. Block your instagram from people who aren’t white. Start telling your fans that only blacks are now allowed to listen, dance to, sign, dress like and other

So is the problem that she’s a bitch? Or just White. What part made her a bitch exactly? Or are all women bitches? Or just White women. And by “I really can’t” can you clarify what you can’t do? Watch her stand up routines? Her show and movies? Let her live? What CAN’T YOU DO? Can you clarify your feelings? Because it

Both my kids do this. It drives me crazy.

My nearly 8 year old begs to “snuggle” and sleep with me almost every night. On WAY more occasions that we should, I let her—and my husband carries her to bed when he’s ready to sleep (he’s a night owl). This is annoying—but it’s also fleeting. I happen to love rolling over and seeing her sweet sleeping face—in a

It’s not you and your convicted rapist. It’s you and your accuser. Totally different.

Why are assuming in this case this guy IS rapist? Because he was accused? You don’t know her; you don’t know him, and you def weren’t there.

Except that it DOES happen. And an accusation doesn’t mean guilty. This urge to always believe and support the woman regardless of proof, is inherently unfair and wrong. I have sweet and oblivious 13 year old son (and a daughter, btw). I’m terrified that he could one day be at the mercy of any accusation--because as a

Well, so nice that like BDS you’d like to wipe Israel off the map--and the 6 Million Jews off the map. I guess you want to finish what Hitler started? (Nope, no anti-Semitism involved here).

Is this false? Most pedophiles have gender preferences, do they not?

But it’s not just about power...it’s also about sexual preference, disgusting as it may be.