
Right. They’re just people who would say to go “F” yourself for patronizing them, and thinking that like PEOPLE they want to look their best. And if they get a top notch celebrity plastic surgeon doing the work, and 15 minutes of fame to boot? Jesus. They’re just people, doing their thing like everyone does.

I totally 100% agree with this. At times, I have even felt this—ie: vote for Trump just let it all go to hell, watch the drama unfold, since everyone sucks anyway. But I’ll vote for Hillary, because I really don’t want everything to go to shit, and apocalyptic fantasies are just that.

The headline is sneaky and misleading—it makes it sound like ANOTHER poor black woman was killed by the horrible police. Meanwhile, she’s pointing a gun at them—which, black or white, is likely to get you killed. Come on, jezebel. Why are you trying to escalate things?

I’m totally Team Hillary but I happen to hate her voice. Plenty of women have perfectly lovely or perfectly unremarkable voices, but hers happens to be...kinda clipped, shrill (yes, that is the right word) and hard on the ears. C’mon people. She really doesn’t have a nice voice—and not JUST because she’s a powerful

You’re missing the point. They say they’re jealous, but they would NEVER trade their life for yours. I mean, never, ever, ever, ever.

I have no problem with these KA guys. Or rather, I have a personal issue with them—they’re obviously assholes—but I really and truly believe that people have the freedom to be assholes to the extent that they don’t actually hurt someone or deny them something they’re legally entitled to (i.e.: job, housing, etc.).

Or, maybe, Luke really didn’t do anything and Kesha’s been full of shit the whole time. I wasn’t there. And as much as I loathe the fact the women are often not believed about being sexually assaulted, I’m equally disgusted that it’s automatically assumed here that all woman tell the truth (and if they’re caught

So, wait. We should 100% always a million times believe anyone who says they were raped (Jackie) because no one every lies —unless they’re found to be lying, in which case the blame falls on the person who believed them (Rolling Stone). Is that what we’re saying? Basically, the rape “victim” is always right no matter

I saw her on the F train a few months ago. It was the most amazing thing I’d seen in ages. Was dying to know her story :)

He was 3 years older then her. Stop acting like it was some 40yo sexual mastermind. 18 year olds are still basically children. Do you not have children?

I’m totally with you.

So the senior lured a freshman—a child? That’s absurd. He may be a rapist, but if she’s a child, so is he.

Or maybe their like your glasses.

Because then, the courts would have to question every single person who changed their look for trial: gangbangers in suits; bikers who shaved for the first time in decades; trashy women who are suddenly partial to dowdy secretary wear. etc. And because this is pretty much what the guy looks like except in ONE strange

Jeez. No they don’t. They don’t look like anything.

Why? Is the description wrong?

What? I think he was just giving background. If she was from Greenwich, I’m sure he’d have pointed that out.

I totally agree with her. You kind of make her point—divisive, rigid and dying to take offense. Very sad.

I LOVED what she wrote. You are the problem.

I LOVED More. I started reading it in my 30s (to see what was ahead) and loved that it wasn’t all boyfriends and first jobs, nor frumpy moms. It dared to suggest that life actually is good into your 50s and beyond. Which was nice to hear, when so much else tell woman that you’re done at 40. It’s downfall was targeting