
The difference is, in a theft, there’s proof. Finger prints, possession of stolen goods. Imagine if someone went to jail for theft with no proof. You’d be cool with that because you like that accuser more?

Wait. Thousands of others we’ve all heard who have been assaulted by Dr. Luke?

None of those things prove in the least that he did anything though. Fits the profile? Jeez. So....if you fit the profile of a terrorist it must be true? Fit the profile of a gang banger it must be true? The lack of critical thinking in this case is mind-boggling. He may have done everything she said he did—or maybe

Perhaps I’m biased—I knew Luke when we were teens and I adored him—and have trouble imagining him been so awful now. But how do we know everything she’s saying is true? I understand that women aren’t always believed about being raped, but she’s not just any women. She has a lot to gain by turning him into a monster.

ALLEGED rapist. Nothing has been remotely proved in court. She didn’t even try. Her allegations only came up when she switched to a manager with a huge beef with Sony, and wanted out of her contract.

They offered her this option. She keeps saying no.

The DID! She said no because she’s convinced they won’t promote her. Which makes me think she has another agenda, honestly.

OH MY GOD! You are the worst person in the world. Seriously. I suspect your problems have less to do with race than your personality.

get, sorry.

Why are you capitalizing black but not white? Either both gets capped or neither do (but really, neither do). Please stop politicizing grammar. It’s offensive.

And you REALLY need to see that YOU don’t get to decide how ANYONE thinks, feels, believes, experiences the world or gets to converse on any subject. You don’t get to speak for anyone but yourself. That’s it. Sorry.

Man, you like to hear yourself talk.

Why does anyone get to demand anyone else “acknowledge” anything? Also, how on earth do you get to judge someone else or their experience? What the F is wrong with you? Talk about entitlement and privilege. You’re oozing entitlement and privilege in that you somehow feel empowered to judge anyone. Seriously, look in

You know what’s irregular? Monitoring language for missteps so a-holes like you can’t jump all over the situation and prove how much more PC you are. Just. Stop. It.

Oh just shut it.

I’m sorry, that’s ridiculous. And SO patronizing. As though someone who likes it rough isn’t allowed to experience that. Not to mention who decides what abuse is? “I said F me hard and he did and how he has to go to jail.” Jeez...by trying to get things right, everyone keeps getting it wrong and making relations

Not to mention, since when did WOMEN have institutional power? If you notice, awards shows segregate men and women actors. Most of the producers are men. Most of the directors are men. Almost all the winners—aside of the women only categories—are men. Can you imagine if there was an African American only category? I

I’m sorry, when did we all decide there was only ONE viewpoint? Let me explain this to you like I explain to my kids: My older son is bigger, stronger and older, and this comes with certain privileges and expectations when dealing with his littler sister. In spite of his relative POWER, she can still be abusive

You mean like every other person in NYC—most of whom don’t have a doorman?

We’re a family of four and have no dishwasher. It’s NOT A BIG DEAL.