
Yes, and that’d dirt cheap for the neighborhood.

Gimme a freaking break. We pay $3600 a month rent, no dishwasher or doorman. The entitlement here is disgusting; yes, people who pay more get more. That’s life people. Oh poor babies. A poor door. Jeez.

Um, she’s an ACTOR!! So....she can actually be a transgendered woman PLAYING a transvestite. I’m sorry her choices bother YOU though. That must be rough.

I guess not all transwomen think exactly the way you do. Everyone’s different. Is that ok with you?

13 years ago, we almost named our son Cale (before Kale took over the salad world). Thank G we didn’t.

Ohhhh, so you’re totally cool if the government took away your child? After all, you have no rights. Right?

I COMPLETELY disagree and I’m exhausted from the endless attack on language. First of all, there’s no one who believes that the word “prostitute” assumes that’s person is a willing participant—adult OR child. It simply means that money was exchanged for sex. That’s it. You can call someone a child prostitute or

OMG, I know! It’s sooooooo gross. All those moms in short skirts, dressing hot, having SEX! Ewww. They’re so old. How dare they partake in having fun, acting young. Thankfully articles like this are here to remind them that the emphasis on youth culture and pervasive agism is preventing them from just shriveling up

Ok, but here’s a question: What do you do if you’ve made the mistake to stay home and regret it? Unless you’ve got a big job/passion job/high $$ job to go back to its really easy to get sucked into the SAHM thing. ESPECIALLY, if you find day-to-day motherhood rewarding and helps ease the stress of juggling family

No, they didn't. But as a parent, I can tell you that 90% of the dads in my 6yo's class had their first child by their mid-30s—TOPS. So a 43yo who wants kids but isn't ready for them yet? I mean, yeah, there are a few old dads at the school, but definitely the outliers. Unless you're seriously rich and successful