Brooklyn Chick

I would love to see you take the haters to the stand Brooklyn Chick.

I am also a member of SSM and Hot School and proud of it. None of what the article says reflects my experience in SSM whatsoever, and there are a few blatant lies that I wanted to address. I was not recruited by SSM—I was invited by a friend to attend as many events as I wanted before I asked if I could join. Also,

Anna Merlan, this was a very disappointing article to read. The emotion clouding these ex-members’ testimonies hangs as an impermeable fog over this article. It reminds me of a psychotic girlfriend keying her ex-boyfriend’s car and yelling to the world that he “wronged” her. And you have published these cries as

Amen to that! Zero legitimacy here. Way to represent, Brooklyn Chick.

Hells yeah Sista!

Awesome Harvard Hottie! My husband feels the same way. If anyone knows what I do for a living the last thing they would call me is submissive, subservient and a “follower.”

Love this Harvard Hottie! Thanks for bringing some truth to the table!

Tee hee! I led a confirmation class, and opened it with “if you think Confirmation’s not for you, that’s ok, I hope you’ll just come and listen so you make an informed decision. If you really know it’s not for you... well, it’s all about standing up for yourself and essentially saying ‘I am saying for myself what my

Hi Mal, I would just say that privacy is important when a woman is trying to learn how to communicate productively with men. I’m pretty sure if this was a cult I wouldn’t be allowed to pick my own partner, or come back to the group and say, “hi, we worked that last thing out, and now there’s this...” In a cult they

WOW. I can only speak for IHS, but wow, this is crazy. Here was my dinner conversation tonight:

Everybody look! Francie66 didn’t use paragraph breaks. She must be in a cult. For sure.

I’m in SSM and I wouldn’t answer yes to any of these questions. Looks like we’ve cracked the case! Thanks so much!

Think you probably could have done a hard return about halfway through this. I hate to break it to you, but I think you might be in a cult.

Honestly, you sound like every other person talking smack on here. ‘Cults, cults! You’re in a cult. I know so much about cults.’ Get over yourself.

This is seriously crazy. Just so you know.

Yeah, because they’re so innocent and haven’t criticized a thing? I think you’re being brain washed. Just sayin’.

Why do you know so much about cults? Creepy.

I don’t know about you Princess Superstar but this Jezebel crowd feels like a cult to me. Reminds me of the zombies in dawn of the dead: “brainsssss, brainssssss” ...“you’re in a cultttt, cuuuulllllttt”.

You sound so angry.

This is inaccurate information.