Apathos The Caring

The Bronco is “new” while the Camry is not.

What do you think is happening out there that is being missed? There is very little going on in the industry with everything paused. Take a chill pill. 

None of this is necessary. 

25 ads and videos in this story on mobile... Think there was a total of 5 different ads shown.

I guess “pear” is a shape.

lol anyone who calls you a white knight is prob an incel or some sort of sexual assaulter themselves

Yeah man, got to make sure technicians aren’t *checks notes* making a side income in a completely unrelated field.

username checks out

Just exhale into the bottles you idiots how do you not realize this?

This is a work of art and a thing of beauty, but for that kind of money you could buy a car.

If you are that strategic with your finances this article doesn’t apply to you. It more applies to the millions of Amercians that finance their car at 100% loan to value or more and/or are rolling over negative equity into a loan.

Spending 6.5 years paying for a Kia is the most depressing thing I can think of. 

As long as I cook them through I should be alright.

Cox projects that 69 percent of consumers who are delaying a purchase would come back to the market for the right deal.

The three armed officer of the law

I refreshed the page to get the comment section to load just to tell you I really appreciate these true Jalopnik stories. Thanks for reporting on the difficult stuff!

Mazda CX-30

Length is more important than width...”

The crowds wont hear it coming.