
80% of murders committed by someone the victim knows. But no, for sure we should worry about all these people ‘pouring’ over the Mexican border for the sole purpose of raping and killing random strangers.

Won’t last. No one has the attention span.

Shut up asshole, you’re not God. We all know you only worship you.

I know!!! Every time I visit, I wear full body armor and carry grenades. Too bad Australia also specializes in very tiny creatures with homicidal tendencies...

If you have to tell people how drrrrty bad girl you are, you ain’t. She seems like a prissy wasp trying to role play.

Quintessential Aussie response


It’s ok to feel something in between adoration and contempt. It’s hard to acknowledge that, and I think a lot of us agree with you

No, you don’t have to forget that. It’s still a ragingly terrible thing that is happening to him and his family. If you have no empathy for the fact that no one deserves it, the implication is that he somehow deserves it because he has a world view you find atrocious. His politics can be abhorrent and he still doesn’t

You’re not a whiner, it takes a warrior no matter your stage. Unless someone has gotten that diagnosis, they can’t imagine. Cancer is cancer - yeah there are degrees, but the shit is terrifying no matter what. So good on ya and I send all the positive thought for continued good health

And none of that equals a reason John McCain deserves the horrifying death he’s facing. Weird.

Preach. And good on ya! All the good vibes in the world to you for being a warrior! AND I DONT EVEN KNOW YOUR POLITICAL LEANINGS!! 😉

No they don’t and no one said that. But anyone who has been through that with a loved one will say it’s a special kind of hell that no one - NO ONE - deserves. Even if they have different political beliefs or pick an abomination of a running mate. NO ONE DESERVES IT AND ITS HORRIBLE.

I sent a big ol thank you (with appropriate accoutrements) today just saying ‘thank you from a nameless family member they gave great comfort to in the worst of times.’ And thank you for the condolences and the inspiration.

8 years after losing my dad to brain cancer, I’m not over the trauma. Although it changes you forever and you’ll never ‘get over it,’ it does get better. Hang in there, and I’m sorry you went through that. Only those who have been through it truly understand- worst club ever.

Pancreatic cancer is more survivable than this. He has very little hope, and no one deserves it. No. One.

Fuck that. Anyone who has lived through brain cancer - as a patient or caretaker/relation of a patient - wouldn’t wish that horror on anyone. It’s beyond torture and clearly you have no clue. So fuck this statement for being exactly the kind of assholery that invites your enemies to dismiss you as a soul-less,

I’m sorry for your loss. Brain cancer took my father after 5.5 years of torture and I wish that on no one, ever.

ETA: *I*... Better humans than EYE am. I think. Damnit.

Yet another reason they are better humans than me