
Maybe I’m just so used to our obnoxiousness? That’s not sarcastic FYI. I dunno but I just learned some things about the Canadian swimmer Penny LastNameICantSpell and it’s kinda highlighting for me how right y’all are about myopic NBC coverage. I’m just so in love with some of the Olympic moments I see, I try to put a

Well no harm in watching a different feed if you want a different perspective. And I agree NBC’s coverage of non-US athletes can come across as patronizing (although I tend to think they are just going overboard trying to sell us dumb ‘Americans’ the underdog stories we love so much - don’t kill me for thinking its

*included* damnit.

I am so sad I know so many Drumpf supporters. Because my esteem for each of them is forever and irrevocably diminished, family includes.

You’re right, it doesn’t have to. My only point was that if that is a byproduct of generally reducing the number of people who get shot for no reason, then so be it.

So cops should be better trained? I agree with you. But still a lot of people getting shot by non-cops. All the guns concern me - I am afraid of everyone with a gun. I’m not ill informed, and I’m also not young, black or male. So I know I can’t fully relate to how others view the threat from cops. But I am tired of

I think they could. But who knows. Politicians make a living off appeasement, depend on it for career preservation/advancement. Athletes like these guys - if they do things right - could live off the millions they’ve already got and tell the corporate powers to fuck off so they can stand on principle. They could sit

Calm down dude. You appeared to say it’s an exciting new era where athletes exit the bubble...excuse us for not realizing you meant to say it's exciting when athletes in a new era exit the bubble. You don't have to dismiss people as critics bc they're trying to provide a little history. It's all good.

I think you are in the minority but I applaud the sentiment. My hunting-loving uncles refuse to understand that their right to shoot ducks is not more important than the right of kids to stay alive...

It’s also about their ability to shuffle money as an organization, and it doesn’t necessarily go to individuals - never underestimate the power of PACs....

Detroit’s *octopi*. SORRY COULDNT HELP MYSELF IM A SHITHEAD. Or octopuses or octopodes...but I still couldn’t help myself!!!!!! Bring on the hate and justified grammar nerd shaming...(and yeah whatever, throwing shit ain’t that unusual...doesn’t necessarily make it acceptable but the supreme outrage should be

How do I feel? Like the NFL just gave Fucktard Spanos a $100m tip to tease me with before: (1) shoving a fat tax bill up my asshole for the privilege of building a stadium to watch my beloved team shit the bed at the end of every game; OR (2) leaving mushroom stamps on my face when he dick slaps me on his way out the

All of these suggestions bum me out even more...I’m thinking Green Bay because Rodgers has a house near me. It’s as good a reason as any. And I went to Green Bay for the Chargers game a few years ago - those people are so nice, it’s almost weird. They apologized to us after the Chargers blew a lead (big shock), bought

Haha - they’re not staying. I finally accept that now. Notably - I was born in LA but moved here at 2 days old (literally straight from the hospital) and haven’t lived THERE since. I consider myself an SD native and my connection to LA is non-existent despite my birth. Had they moved while I was in college in NYC, it

Oddly, this is comforting to me because fuck Dean Spanos with a rusty butter knife. Yet joke is on me because that greedy bitch ass mother fucker don’t care, his billions get bigger as long as tickets are sold, no matter who buys them...

I appreciate the empathy. And I drive to LA plenty, you are correct it’s not always horrible. It’s not solely the drive, it’s also the principle of telling Dean Spanos to suck a dick by not buying (any more) tickets. Count me among the devastated.

No reason to hate them comes immediately to mind, but give me time. Under consideration. But no desire to sleep with Tyrod Taylor, yucky mustache. Still taking offers.

And yet ‘opposing team fans take over the stadium every week’ is used as justification for why San Diego shouldn't have an nfl team...go figure

You know whose downtown actually has plenty of viable options? SAN DIEGO. Because everyone wants to live by the beach, not a navy shipyard. Goddamnit. Fucking Spanosi.