Never a fan of teaching new stick drivers on a car with a payment or is brand new.
The weirdest part, for me, is how they look like the holes were cut out by a guy with a pair of tin snips.
The reason people ditch cars that have life left in them, is that it’s easier to make a $500/mo. car payment, for a car that probably has a warranty and likely less to go wrong mechanically, than come up with that $3,500 and be down a vehicle for the duration of the repair.
“...a car that’s worth $10,000 and needs $5,000 in repairs”
“It seems to get categorized as a compact crossover, but, to me, it’s a hatchback.”
His car is also 12 years old. I’m guessing he’s also just in the market. (Though he’s waited this long, he should wait a bit longer)
I’m concerned about the low fuel economy of my car, I’d like to spend $60,000 to save money.
“It shows the Wrangler, in both two-door and four-door trim, as the most-marked-up car in twenty four states — nearly half the country, for those of you who didn’t ace your fourth-grade geography tests.”
This is what police officers readily do, putting their lives on the line to save others. Pity that a tiny fraction of bad cops on a power trip ruin it for the rest
Fuck drink drivers. And genuinely, thank fuck for this cop and what she did. You take the car head on, its probably gonna suck for you, but it ensures that the least amount of people possible get hurt. Or in this case, killed outright. 70mph car vs squishy meat-bags never ends well for the meat.
That grain of salt is how the rust started in the first place...
I remember how badly these rusted so I would take the little rust with a grain of salt
their poor website got the kiss of death and i blame us.
To my eyes that’s not smoke, it’s dusty snow in the air. Also kinda obvious, but I guess not to all, you should not go faster than you can stop within visible area.
Or, if you don’t want/need the brand name, a Toyota Avalon.
Over a decade ago I read a review of a Wrangler soft top which stated that if you can lock a cat into one overnight and it doesn’t escape that’s considered good enough.