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    The “copped a feel, feel a cop” line was already used word-for-word in an earlier season where Jack gets a lap dance from the transsexual pre-op cop stripper Carl.

    Season 5 was exactly the last decent season of Modern Family. I feel like 10 million watch every week and have been disappointed for years if only to get a glimpse of the glory of the early years.

    Agreed. I was thinking exactly that the last season and a half. Everyone just yells their lines and they talk so fast and there’s no room to breathe. Especially Alex and Claire and Phil. There’s a subtlety from the first 5 seasons that is sorely lacking in the subsequent 4 seasons. Tonight was the 200th episode and

    The real antidote episode is season 2 episode 20, Val stealing Grace’s music box. The physical comedy in that one is GOLD. Val saying “it’s mine!” along with everything Jack and Karen do with Neil Patrick Harris in their story is HYSTERICAL.