
Drew didn’t say the best sportswriter, but the most powerful and influential and it’s hard to come up with a good counterpoint. There are many REALLY good sportswriters, but none can point to a grantland-level project let along multiple versions of it. Simmons is influential enough that ESPN though it was a good idea

In his defense, I’m sure ESPN would hurl some gotcha questions at him, like “Which team do you want to win?” and “What sport is this?”

“hello the owner of this phone Courtney. I am buying an iPad.”

You have to remember that LeBatard gave his Baseball HOF ballot to Deadspin, so you’d imagine they would have a bit of a soft spot for him. (Justifiably so regardless of the HOF vote - just saying.)

I’m assuming you’re talking about the idiot oversharing about how he finds a 16 year old “hot,” and certainly not the 16 year old girl who had a video of her doing an impressive thing on the internet? Right?

this is about a promptly fuck your own face

“if you don’t want people to graphically describe sex acts and fantasies involving you, don’t exist on the internet while being a woman”

Yeah, in this day in age, if an underaged teen wants to show off a cool trick she can do, it’s her fault that some creepy as fuck 30 year old at a toilet bowl of a website calls her hot. Clearly she’s at fault here.

Go fuck yourself

This is the beauty of Mike. Outside of the Yankees, he maintains he has no fan affiliation. He clearly favors players (like Eli), but regardless of the team, when he gets worked up. he sounds like the mouthpiece of the fanbase of that particular organization. On WFAN, all the main hosts are Jets / Mets fans. When they

Your list of highlights is sorely missing the tree reference

Is that really baked zucchini at that point tho? That’s like vegetable lasagna more than baked zucchini.

Hard to read and not be touched by this. I went through the same thing 12 years ago with my now-ex wife, and it was just... god, I guess the best word for it is ‘numbing’. Nothing really meant anything anymore, I just kind of existed more or less for at least a good year afterwards. Our relationship was never the

It’s a shame that class was scheduled before “How to read an article 101".

In my Mass Media Law class in college, I was taught that “allegedly” is a weak protection, and it’s safer to carefully source allegations and not use that word.

Holy shit, this is not a complex topic, and yet 90% of the commenters are totally thrown. Diana is NOT advocating for the right to libel people at will. She is arguing that the words “alleged” and “accused” are bad ways to carefully source allegations.

Seeing a lot of comments in here from people who clearly didn’t actually read the post. Don’t be that person.

The primary goal is presumably to prevent boys from parachuting into the girls’ tourneys. So the best way to do it would be to have an open tournament and a girls-only tournament, a la the NBA and WNBA. A woman could play her way onto an NBA team, but a man can’t go the other way. But I’m not sure about the legality

From the Reading Comprehension Tees