You’re a fucking idiot.
You’re a fucking idiot.
“People arent allowed to speak publicly about how someone hurt them because the person who hurt them might get hurt.”
No, you’re lame.
good thing your opinion literally doesn’t matter.
The angry nerds are going to attack Chloe while Hardwick’s comedian and actor friends slowly distance themselves away from the whole situation trying not to give a comment in case this somehow gets swept under the rug. Fuck Chris Hardwick and this horrible entitled nerd culture!
I should have been more clear. I have no issue with trapping and moving the gator. I meant the behavior in the video above was pointless harassment.
Yeah, those meltdowns are something. It’s a two person task usually. Otherwise, if the wife is travelling, I basically have to put the baby in a wrestling hold (gentle of course) because he now knows to shake his head back and forth and grab the tube.
Yes. There is a tool called a nose frieda made just for this purpose. I’m an excellent snot sucker, but I’ll be damned if any of that shit gets in my mouth.
Hannah - you know there IS a Bobby Bonds too, right?
I think if your biggest qualm with this particular item is, “ Well, actually, we’ll have to keep taking down statues forever,” then you’re missing the point, a bit. The idea that, as you imagined, in 2200, people will take down statues of leaders who did little to aid LGBTQ rights assumes our society will continue…
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but the DSA position is that more development at the top end, which is what the bill was green lighting, would not alleviate the housing crisis unless there are rent controls and usage restrictions built into the agreement for any new developments. The private developers will overprice…
You should tell the Department of Defense that.
I don’t think that is enough. He probably should be banned from the league and arrested for assault.
Counter-counterpoint: all billionaires suck
Counterpoint: All Billionaires are assholes.
“I got great rhythm, I’m just saying, I don’t know anything about music.”
In What’s the Matter with Koch Brothers Kansas? The free market can determine waters slide safety better than government.
Umm, excuse me: