I’m just trying to keep up with the kids today.
I’m just trying to keep up with the kids today.
Coworker of the cosplayer; I saw the whole thing go down. So perhaps I can clarify a few things I’ve seen brought up in other comments:
Buying a Roomba was the best thing I could do to preserve my relationship with my roommates, whose definition of cleanliness differs from mine. That, and hiring a monthly cleaner. Now, I just have the Roomba go clean the floor a couple of times a week instead of me!
Good idea, if you can find one at a makerspace that would be good.
Good idea, if you can find one at a makerspace that would be good.
ATM servicable 3D scanners, that don’t rob you blind, don’t ‘really’ exist.
ATM servicable 3D scanners, that don’t rob you blind, don’t ‘really’ exist.
“I am not perfect. Nor are you.”
I couldn’t agree more. And yes, I’m totally down with birthday/holiday registries a la Amazon wish lists.
When the ass of the jeans start to stink...time to wash ‘em.
I think you’d be surprised how many people think they want something because other people want it.
That’s my plan. I’ll wait it out because there’s still a good 6 months before I order anything. Maybe there will be a 7X out by then or maybe the 5X will be super cheap!
Seriously, Warcraft I & II had a perfectly good story. Coulda made that into a really cool movie.
I don’t really like how they softened up the orcs so much post WoW.
Sure they can be nice *now* but their ultra-hardcore roots actually made them cooler, instead of less.
I warn ya. This is a 5w speaker. It is a tad on the low side for volume.
I warn ya. This is a 5w speaker. It is a tad on the low side for volume.
I truly hope you are kidding. I will run the water for an extra 20 minutes today just to offset your conservation.
So the takeaway here is that Phil Spencer uses Chrome.
You poor soul. It is the nectar of the bean that lies at the source of all things good in life...
that is amazing - thank you so much!
Literally rereading Alloy of Law at the second, haha. The whole Cosmere universe holds some of my absolute favorite fantasy books of all time, which is particularly impressive, considering it’s only been around for like 10 years now.
Not only that, but Littlefinger trying to pin the knife on Tyrion, a story that doesn’t have a prayer of holding up if Tyrion makes it back to King’s Landing instead of having the chance meeting with Catelyn at the Inn. Why would Petyr tell such an easily disproved lie? The purpose of scheming is to make sure it…
Really, he already has. Everything about Jon Arryn’s death and the assassination attempt on Bran didn’t make a lick of sense.