
Every one of these looks like the TV equivalent of garbage thrown at a trash bin, but even failed at that. Not one of them looks at all interesting to me. Good luck, all ye who dare tread these waters.

The color I’ve wanted my car to be for years (but haven’t had a car worth paying to paint, nor bought new) is the metallic rust orange.

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It was meant as deadpan-delivered sarcasm, or something similar. Perhaps delivered in the tone like the lines “Go ahead, throw your vote away!” in this Simpsons clip.

Sure, rinse out your soda cans. Who needs to conserve water for more useful things? No sense just storing your cans somewhere the ants either won’t get to or you don’t care about (outside, for example).

I never liked Happily Ever After, but I did know of it. Two younger sisters, a niece almost their age, and someone came across it somewhere... Can you guess what got watched incessantly for a month? *sigh* Thanks for resurfacing the bad memories!

I’m not saying I’d advise it, and I was rather terrified every time I did it, but for about two months in 2002 I was driving a 2000 Yamaha Riva 125 scooter for about 5 miles of I-15. It was a flat stretch, and the scooter easily maintained about 62 mph. I stayed in the far right lane, and was off the freeway as soon

My biggest “not as useful or robust as iMessage” thought is that Hangouts cannot, so far as I am aware, dynamically choose to send via data or SMS as necessary. In my experience, it has resulted in a fractured message log, where some of my conversation will be in one thread, but parts will show up in another if

But that computer is what makes it a bad place.

Late to the party, I made sure to check if someone else had made this exact observation before penning one myself. *tip of the hat to you!

Hahaha, so I’ve been told by others. Thing is, I discovered that I don’t really like the flavor. Guess I’m a lost cause.

This one is conditional, but:

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At first I was going to say “How could you not include the theme from the 2004 Punisher movie!?” Then I decided to go look - it’s not on Spotify. So, whatever you may personally have chosen is moot. Good collection so far, from what I’ve skimmed.

Whenever I read the Song of Ice and Fire books, I’m constantly finding myself bored with the pacing. I’ve powered through those I have read (1 - 3), and intend to finish them, but I have to read other books in between. I cannot abide so many chapters of nothing happening for more than one book at a time.

The same, about Cosmere, holds true for myself and many people I know. Some of them found it on their own, several were introduced by me.

Sanderson actually has given praise to GRRM several times in Writing Excuses (, the podcast he and other writers do about writing. I don’t know which episodes, and I’m in no way affiliated with it, but there are some in either season 1 or season 10. Those are the only two I’ve listened to.

You just brought up some of my issues with the story. I’ve decided that GRRM writes with this intention: “How can I mess with the reader?”

Have you read the 3-so-far (4th coming) Wax and Wayne books? Secret History? You’ll like the series even more after you do, if you have not yet gotten there.

One of my friends works on New Girl. As fans may know, Prince was on an episode (or two? I heard it might’ve been a two-part episode, but I don’t watch it). My friend shared one of the editors’ post about that episode on Facebook:

Museums were never fun for me. This means that “again” is not possible. And, in this example, not even just “makes them fun” would be accurate. To each their own - this isn’t mine.

The grinning face emoji has been around as an emoticon for a long, long time. Apple is the only one that really mucked it up and made it weird. There’s not a single good emoji on iOS for when I want to express my cheesiest, toothiest grin. It just looks like I’m baring my teeth and sucking in, or pooping.

I hate my