
Am I missing something? I don’t see any need for a promo code spoken about, and the price in my shopping cart (and going to checkout - I looked) is coming up as $110 (rounded). For me, that’d make it $100 if $10 rebate.

Am I missing something? I don’t see any need for a promo code spoken about, and the price in my shopping cart (and

I find myself saying the same thing about Song of Ice and Fire, really. Both the respect for peoples’ tastes, and for the predictability. The way you finish your post is perfect, and very important for EVERYBODY to remember.

Highly recommend that you read at least Warbreaker before you get to Stormlight. It’d also be good to read Elantris, but the recommendation is not as strong. Not because Elantris isn’t a good book, but because of other reasons. The kind one oughtn’t say in a forum such as this.

I completely agree with you - no phone should be 16GB or less, unless it is a rock-bottom phone, or low-mid at the most. Memory chips aren’t that costly anymore. I’m convinced it is perpetuated in two ways:

My biggest complaint about the N5 has always been its sub-par GPS chip/antenna, personally. It is infuriating to be driving, then have it start giving me directions as if I had turned around. Okay if once in a long while, but I’m talking daily, and I use my GPS quite frequently.

Another “why” for you: I’d like to know if there is a BETTER program for the purpose than this. I have used some others that do a few things better, and a few things AnyTrans does not do at all, but have found AnyTrans to be fairly complete for my needs.


“Nexus 5X pricing starts at $379.” (From another site watching the event.) That’s for a 16GB model. It will also available with 32GB.


Everyone knows the BEST version of the Wizard of Oz story is The Muppets’ Wizard of Oz...

Finally! Someone else who will comment on how BBT isn’t actually about nerds or nerd-positive or whatever, but is actually just another instance of America wanting to laugh at nerds in derision. Sure, it makes fun of jocks, too, but only as an aside.

I say that Settlers is okay, but by itself is far too simplistic for my tastes. Add the Cities and Knights expansion, though, and it becomes a good game. Still simple, but with enough added challenges where the game itself is, in a way, fighting back.

I say that Settlers is okay, but by itself is far too simplistic for my tastes. Add the Cities and Knights

I can’t help but wonder how comparable to those Mpow ear buds these are:

Both are Chinese, and I just bet it’s pretty much the same device.

I can’t help but wonder how comparable to those Mpow ear buds these are:

Both are Chinese,

Heh, you have that right! Instead, I get to say it’s just a bit bigger than what I want, but that I’m grateful they don’t only make the Plus size! I get the reasons for the Note, Plus, and others. I just don’t want them myself.

Back in college, I lost my Driver License but had to take an anatomy test at the school’s testing center. Whip out my Costco AmEx, show it to the entry guard - no dice. They turned me away and wouldn’t let me take my test.

I have long preferred the overall feel of the Android OS, for myself. Some things about the way iOS works all added up and gave/give me some greater level of irritation than when I use Android.

You should look up the books by Brandon Sanderson - he’s got a few good examples in a few of his books. In fact, “sliding” is one of them. A character has the ability to negate friction, and it’s used to great effect!

It is only cheaper because T-Mobile will put a credit on each monthly bill. The credit only occurs on the monthly bills, and is an incentive for you to stay paying monthly, and thus stay with T-Mobile. If you purchase the phone outright, you will not get 18 months worth of credits, and thus you will pay full price.

This is how you get the $20/month price: On your T-Mobile bill each month, the full monthly price will be listed. There will also be a “credit” for the difference in price, which drops the device monthly payment to $20 when the two are added together.

My dad was a menace with this stuff back in his high school days. He’d make it, then put some into key holes, or under desk and chair legs in classrooms. Doing it while it was still stable and moist meant that it’d dry up over night, then be primed for pranks when teachers and students arrived in the morning.