
Beats swimmin’ upstream against a wave of DeSantis’ disinformational educational bullshit any day of the week.

What fuckin’ dicks. Hold the data from private schools hostage. Normal districts are lucky to break even; where did this asshole think they were gonna get the funds from 

I ascribe every mistake in an AV Club article to the writer having to put their phone down when some frikken *tourist* comes in an asks for ‘a coffee’, necessitating the writer rolling their eyes and walking them through the coffee *experience*.

Fun fact: according to Linkedin, Schimkowitz has a bachelors in English from Rutgers and was in the Honors English program.

Invent the electric car? he’s not even the original founder for Tesla cars, he stole the company from the two actual engineers who founded it.

Many factories already use highly specialized and articulated robots in their automation systems and would have no use for a humanoid version.

Yep, flips across different levels

I’m pretty sure Musk no longer has the slightest idea what either of those things mean anymore, but I’d love to hear him try and define them!

Well it's a step better than "full autonomous driving is right around the corner! watch..." (Car plows into crowd)

I could pull off a double back hand spring about 1 out of every 1000 attempts without landing on my head. I wonder if that means I can confidently say, “yeah, I can do a double back hand spring”

I mean it walks like a man with haemorrhoids who  just who just pooped himself , but it works!!

If I was interested in people thinking I am very cool and smart. I would have just. Not shown people my robot until I had something cool to show. 

Plus can’t pretty much every task he mentioned already be done by a robot? They just don’t look like wobbly mannequins when they do it. 

Yes, but can Disney’s creation stagger slowly and perilously forward at the lightning speed of one mile per week??

Everybody thought it was cute when he named Tesla features after Spaceballs.

I shouldn’t be the only one being worried about the world we’re building. Look at us, a bunch of meat puppets hooked up to computers all day, while the robots do the manual work.
I hope we will found new ways for humans to work and interact with computers, other than clicking on a mouse and looking at a screen for most

...will be an affordable product that most people can buy,

“The robot can actually do a lot more than we just showed you,” Musk quipped. “We just didn’t want it to fall on its face.”

Harsh,  but true.

But if you’re a smart driver