
Idiots sending a fake billionaire money to a fake fund about a fake conspiracy.

Banks are not your friend. They will take from you and you have to jump through regulatory hoops to get it back. Crypto simplifies that process.

Celsius: Banks are not your friends
Also Celsius: You can’t have your money

My new start-up, which will be announced shortly, will be offering the exclusive rights to famous bridges in New York and several other prominent cities. A certificate of exclusivity will be provided. Please wire all payments to DefinitelyNotAScamNoReally LLC in US dollars or Euro. (Crypto not accepted.)

A pyramid laundry?

Crypto-investor motto:   “if it sounds too good to be true, definitely invest your life savings in it”

Hey, it’s not just a pyramid scheme. It’s a pyramid scheme mixed with money laundering. Grunckle Stan would be proud.

If all of that is the case, then the fault is 100% on him being a complete fucking idiot. Not the tires, not his inexperience, but on his own stupidity for not actually taking those things in to account when deciding to street race a guy in an Integra.

A big problem is even with fresh modern tires the original Vipers were difficult to drive. No traction control, super light, and tons of power. You just ram it into 2nd at full clip and the beast will be unsettled.

This does sound a lot like VW ruining their reputation during the mk4 era.

Sounds like mk4 era VW. Burn mark through the leather on a heated seat? User error, denied warranty. 6 MAFs in 20K miles on a brand new VR6? Totally normal. Coilpacks popping every 5K miles on a 1.8T? Not our fault, pay up. Window regulator making noise? Nope, it’s the motor, not the regulator despite there being TSB

Former N14-powered Mini Cooper S owner here, checking in for commiseration. Currently in a four-wheeled rehab center called “Lexus GX460.”

Just bare with me on this one. Bruce turns out to be the World’s Greatest Detective so you gotta figure at that young age he’s probably got the beginnings of a genius level intellect going on. Is it entirely possible that maybe he staged the whole thing and gave the Gotham PD just enough of a description of Richard

I thought it was all of us.

Yeah. We really need justice for Thomas Wayne and... his wife. I’m blanking here.

I thought it was some gangster who asks about dances with Satan. 

Wasnt it a guy who stole money from a wrestling manager?

I hope this movie finally tells us who killed Bruce Wayne’s parents.