What is an Aston Martin Rapid?
What is an Aston Martin Rapid?
— and Australians. NBC Sports talking head Leigh Diffey says Bahbuh Motuhspohts Pok in Bumeengum ..... somehow thinking that no r must be pronounced. But he says Aluhbammr repeatedly rather than Alabama. Fellow Australian Will Power is “Will Powuh.” I don’t know how children are taught English in U.K., Australia, and…
“Apparently the car was purchased by the dealer in 2012,” as it’s no longer at the Japanese factory.
I weep for our nation. Three hundred million dullards...
I knew what you meant. TSA screeners could call their bluffs with your line. Liars, liars, liars...
This was.
They didn’t actually forget. They lied.
Trillions of times persons lie that they didn’t know they were wrong or unlawful.
“If it’s something you can forget about, you’re not responsible enough to carry.”
Thank you.
Shhhhhh... No one wants to hear that the emperor has no clothes. We’re all supposed to believe that Uncle Sam is ‘keeping us safe.’
Children and adults aren’t truthful every time that they claim that they forgot.
Many other persons are morons and/or persons who *lie* that they don’t know that they are carrying a one-pound deadly weapon ... rather than admit guilt.
What is $10,000,000 dollars?
I truly believe that very wise George Bush needed to create TSA so that taxpayers pay billions of dollars for it to not find many, many, many weapons in carry-on luggage. We are so safe.
That’s the only option? Morbidly obese Wackenhut morons? Tampa police can’t police Tampa’s airport? Houston’s police men can’t police Houston’s airport? Atlanta’s policemen can’t police Atlanta’s airport? (et cetera)
THANK you!
Billions of persons don’t trust those moronic flunkies “with our lives.”
Yes; Venn diagrams consist of two or more “COMPLETELY different circles.”