Especially if they're know-it-alls who are incredibly stupid.
Especially if they're know-it-alls who are incredibly stupid.
Homeopathy is just stupid. This is stupid.
This was all a big thing a decade ago when this movie came out. IIRC, the premise of the movie is that basically, you give yourself cancer by thinking negative thoughts. Because science is a mythical unicorn creature.
Kinda like this stuff?
I wrote, and you clearly didn't read, that the sign should not have been specific to women. My point is that if a code exists it should be as equivalent as possible and that people should get over the fact that different environments require different attire.
You bet it was. Because, when you go to the hospital, your nurse isn't going to be wearing any of that stuff. And the men aren't going to be wearing tank tops, flip-flops or gym shorts. If any student is working in pulmonology or allergy practices, they're going to be prohibited from scented deodorant and perfume...I…
This is where I start not giving a shit about your rights. Right to not ever be in a situation in which you are offended by my anti-Semitic joke? Fuck you and your made up rights. Right for you to infringe upon my constitutional rights to bear arms because . . . . no reason? Your kid's burrito or something? Fuck you…
My partner's work is classified. My MD-PhD program is not on the west coast. Academia tends to be a competitive environment, and exhibiting generally professional dress and behavior is a basic key to success. I would guess that's true at Arizona State or Penn State as well, though I couldn't confirm it personally.
Well, do you see a lot of guys wearing midriff baring shirts, deep cleavage v-necks or shirts unbuttoned to the rib cage in a hospital/ medical setting? How about men wearing really short shorts? You don't. It's safe to say that men don't have the variety of clothing options that women have. the sign shouldn't be…
I'd love to not have to wear a suit every day in the summer when it's 105 out with 90% humidity. But corporate America doesn't care what you want, and it certainly won't care when some girl comes in with a tank top and flip flops to work and says " well it's hot outside."
So why not have the signs be about professional attire instead of women's bodies being a distraction from learning?
That's not really what it's about though, it's a medical school. Do you see nurses, doctors, or tech's wearing similar clothes? No... Most of these girls (and guys) spend a lot of their class time in actual medical environments and are expected to look professional. It's not's just saying "hey this is a…
I am a bit of a prude when it comes to clothing/dress codes, I admit it. I clutch my pearls on the daily at how SHORT shorts are now, and how my 14 year old cousin wore a skintight lycra dress to my grandparents' funeral that barely covered her ass.
If male nurses get so distracted by the female body, they may wish to reconsider their chosen profession...
It's really important to me not to use words that refer to someone with developmental disabilities as an insult, but I've thrown out "retarded" when angry and then immediately regretted it. It took years for me to weed out the homophobic slurs from my angry vocab, and I'm queer myself—I just spent so many (formative)…
Zero sum games are really hard standards for humans. I've said horrible things in my life and have gone on to still be a pretty decent social justice educator. This type of apology is an excellent example of how to come off sincerely instead of #sorrynotsorry.
I have, and I'm sure many others have as well.
I am just happy that people are discussing the Parthenon and the Pantheon. People kept telling me that my A. B. in Classics would be useless (And it was an A.B. , not a B.A. because it was in LATIN).
"THE Pantheon" vs. "a pantheon." I know that everyone's already told you that, but I don't even care because you're being such a jackass for correcting something that would have taken you a second to double check.
Actually I did mean the Pantheon. The one in Rome, that still has a roof.