
"lighten the statue's coloring " what does this even mean?

and looks as much like her as anyone else as far as we can say about someone that lived 2000 years ago.

Unless you are pushing for a Greek actress to play the role, I think the argument is a bit disingenuous

I think the evidence weighs more heavily to here being pretty much just Greek, but to be fair, this bust would have been garishly painted with who knows what shade of skin

Even if here mother was black (no actual evidence since we don't even know for sure who her mother was) she would still also be Greek.

I'm not sure it is worthy to call something based on a pure guess a "study"

based on some guesswork that isn't really verifiable. The only really thing verifiable is that she was from a Greek family that liked to interbreed.

That isn't too definitive considering they don't even know if the tomb belonged to who they say it might have.

well, that was the late 70's to early 80's...just watch an old rerun of Magnum PI :)

But do you have any evidence that this is the case with this school's dress code? I agree that they had no place trying to publicly shame her for violating the dress code, but without more information it is difficult to draw the conclusions that you are.

I did wear shorts every day in Jr High and High school in Oregon, but otherwise I agree with you. Dress codes have their place in work and in school. However, I think we can all agree that public shaming in front of the class was a pretty horrible way for admins to deal with it.

humm...for once I seem to agree with everything in this particular thread! Encouraging women and minorities interest in STEM early on seems like the only way to change this over time.

correct re 17%, though I think it says it is basically 50/50 outside tech. I don't find any of this surprising.

having been to the MTV campus, I would agree

I was worried when you said cheese, but became less worried when you said Kraft American Cheese. "American Cheese" is not cheese.

Fair enough, I haven't read Pisa's other posts and I can see how it would get annoying. For myself, I blame him entirely, but I also want to identify the common themes we seem to keep finding in this mass killings such as bullying and mental illness in the hopes that we can start to address those issues better.

Trying to understand someone's motivation to see if you can figure out ways to prevent future tragedies is not the same as sympathizing. I'm not sure which Pisa is doing, but it sounds more like the former than the later.

Does the public shaming rule apply to people who are asshats in every thread?

Yeah, I guess we need to start blaming Jodie Foster because Hinkley fixated on her too.

I do agree for the most part. I didn't take classes in art or music in college, for example, and still enjoyed them. However, since then my appreciation is much greater due to classes taken, for example, analyzing classical pieces. Just as you can learn Roman history reading a book, I think classes provide a richer