
Hand: Rosa

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I think my new thing is posting the best moments from comedy shows to YouTube and then sharing them here.

I think Chance means <i>rightly</i> convicted. Here it’s obviously not the case. Even if we think that the commissioner at the end of S1 who was apparently tied to the mafia was likely busted with Jake’s help, and that Hawkins will get busted at the end of this arc, those are the bigger, more obvious bad guys.

Remember when a B99 review would get HUNDREDS of comments, not dozens?

Yay the Kinjapocalypse didn’t kill off one of my favourite AVC accounts.

Glad to see Deadpan Andre Braugher survived the Kinjapocalypse.

That had to be worse for him than the government website with the pull-down menus that you can’t click on.

I’ve been on the phone for six hours. And I just want to cancel an account.

Oh. Yes. He wrote back right away. It wasn’t as graphic as I feared. He wrote: “The number eight. Equal sign. Equal sign. Equal sign. Equal sign. Equal sign. Equal sign. Equal sign. Capital... D.”

Yas. Queen.


“Child cannibal” is not usually the kind of joke that lands for me, but Time Meadows is just so likable.

I liked how much commentary they managed to sneak in on how bad the prison system is. Even the warden admits it’s particularly tough for trans people.

Glad to have B99 back! Pretty good opener. However, I do not at all remember this whole pregnant Gina with Ryan Phillippe’s baby. Did I not watching some episodes from the end of last season?? I don’t know. I’m gonna go revisit.

I still don’t love the show’s insistence on giant, world-shaking cliffhangers which blow up the premise of the show for a few episodes before settling back into the status quo. Honestly, I’d be fine if they stuck with this one if it didn’t mean we’d lose Rosa. I wish we’d gotten more of characters other than Jake, but