
Seinfeld has always made it clear that he doesn’t really give a shit about other people.

Counterpoint: Cue card guy has one fucking job.

Glad to hear noted non-asshole Jerry Seinfeld chime in.

I mean, Troll 2 is not a sequel to Troll it’s just a terrible movie given that title for marketing purposes. AvP: Requiem is probably better than the first AvP, and Baby Geniuses 2 is just a sequel to a terrible movie that experiences normal diminishing returns.

Skyfall is pretty to look at, but holy crap it’s so overrated.

I love Licence to Kill, it’s also one of the last movies to include a lot of Ian Fleming’s material. Also, Benicio Del Toro!

I don’t know who the #1 Bond villain is, I just know it’s not Raoul Silva.

I remember being so disappointed when Xenia Onatopp died in ‘GoldenEye’. Famke Janssen was an absolute blast in that film, and her absence is felt in the rest of it.

Shame Robert Carlyle’s main villain Renard from The World is Not Enough didn’t make the list. He felt genuinely scary to me when I saw it in theaters; a sociopathic and ruthless villain who *also* doesn’t feel physical pain? Yikes. Same with the henchman Stamper from Tomorrow Never Dies; he was clearly outshined by

Yeah anything after Elektra dies, I just don’t care. The air has been let out of the film by then.

A Dry White Season won Euzhan Palcy the award for Best First Work at Venice, back in 1989. Regina King premiered One Night in Miami in 2020. Alice Diop won the damn Silver Lion not even a whole year ago for Saint Omer!

I like The World Is Not Enough, it’s my favorite Brosnan Bond movie. Sure Denise Richards is just a tad beyond the pale even for Bond girls, but Elektra and Renard as the anti-Blofeld/Tracy are pretty compelling. The nuclear sub is a little tacked on.

The World Is Not Enough drives me crazy, because it comes so close to being a classic Bond film. On paper, it could’ve been Skyfall a decade earlier than what we got. But one too many cheesy set-pieces and the presence of Denise Richards really sinks the whole thing.

Richard Kiel’s autobiography opens with how Eon invited him to an early screening of The Spy Who Loved Me for their low level employees. Typically the people actually involved in the movie were kept away from these, but in this case they were so sure that Jaws would get all the biggest reactions that they wanted him

I hated Jonathan Pryce’s Elliott Carver. The idea of a media mogul starting wars to sell newspapers always seemed goofy to me when I was a kid. Then I got older, and gained a better understanding of the evil corporations do around the world for a buck. Sociopathic CEOs starting conflicts to serve their own interests

The trio of Blofeld, Red Grant and Rosa Klebb in From Russia knock everyone else out of the park. Brains, brawn and intimidating closet lesbianism.

Goldfinger is peak Bond vibes, no question, but the older I get, the more amusing it is to me that the entire third act of this globe-trotting story takes place in Kentucky.

And to think, once upon a time, all it took for Howard Dean’s campaign to end was a clip of him shouting “YEAH!” at the end of a campaign rally. 

Don’t you mean “Freedom 90"? Linda is the only one in the “Too Funky” video.

1. Don’t