
I typically will click to show the “pending” posts... since mine will be among them, as i’m stuck in the greys on all the G/O sites except AVC.

I am taking a break from work today to focus on my “mental health”, lol.

Learning how to be a ninja was just part of being a kid in the 80s and 90s. You got your books from “secret masters” from the back of comic books. You studied all the very “realistic” movies. You broke into elderly Asian peoples’ homes and attempted to steal some random piece of decoration in hopes that you are caught

“We have both kinds of music here: country and Western.”

In related AV Club news, a website that ushered its former writing staff out the door and replaced them with cheaper, more industry-friendly writers is reporting on the plight of writers.

I feel a little sorry for anyone who never experienced the unbridled joy of being at a middle-school dance in 1988 when the DJ put on Push It.” It was like god gave a bunch of 12-year-olds a three-minute dose of cocaine, removed all sense of inhibition and self-consciousness, and told each and every one us to dance.

According to Lee, Parker didn’t realize just how out of it her co-star was in that moment”

Strange how they still are, but you feel the need to be dishonest about it:

It’s bonkers that this dude was present and on stage to witness the largest mass shooting in history and but apparently has no problems writing a song with (very) thinly veiled calls to violence. Way to look inward and grow as a person.

Maybe Beyonce understands that she does not understand a far more complex culture and conservative culture thanher own. Maybe as a black woman she has directly experienced the danger of outsiders acting as provacateurs on her behalf.

If Cher doesn’t call her gelato “CHURN BACK TIME”, then we have failed as a civilization.

Also, if you’re seeing this Cher, you’re free to use that as long as you give me credit and 1% of the profits.

What’s going on in that photo? His chest is large, but his stomach isn’t also bulging out - is he sucking in his gut? He looks like that Rob Liefeld drawing of Captain America.

The only way Republicans can win any election is through cheating.

This is so obvious they may have decided not to bother listing it.

I’m surprised goldfish crackers aren’t on the list. If I recall the cheddar ones didn’t come out for years after launch, the original is a plain cracker. 

Cheddar Jalapeno Cheetos

let’s all pretend we live on the same planet and function in the same society and know that I clearly meant nacho cheese instead of being a giggling middle schooler thinking they got one over on someone

Gotta agree with the Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles, they are my go-to chip.

Stephanie, you did NOT vet these links. Some of the Twitter links don’t have permissions to show to the public and some don’t show up at all. DO BETTER and check what you’re posting! Geesh

If you must put stuff like this in a slideshow, at least put both pictures in one slide so we can actually compare them. This is ridiculous.