Ray Rice You in the Eye

“If people would just stop paying attention to all the racist shit he says and does, he wouldn’t seem like such a white supremacist! Gosh!”

Wonder if anyone at the Trump organization thought the same thing when their President and CEO spent the last 8 years spreading racist lies about our sitting president. Wonder if this ESPN commenter was equally disappointed by that organization/its leader’s behavior.

Or, put another way, Donald Fucking Trump accused our first black president of having engaged in a criminal conspiracy to illegally seize the White House. This motherfucker.

Oh and let’s not forget...Trump can call a black person racist and face no consequences:

Just a reminder that Donald Trump publicly berated Obama on a daily fucking basis for eight fucking years, continually insisting that he did not meet the minimum requirement to be president. In short, fuck Donald Trump, and fuck this hypocritical bullshit by the right.

His English is better than my Spanish.

Daily reminder that Bob Ley is a national treasure.

To prove to everyone else and himself (mostly himself) how smart and great he is for not liking apple!

Why are you here?

What is the purpose of any article?

I question the commitment of those 4 hairs to form a comb over.

Since this feature is back, so is my guide for antenna users! I apparently missed a LOT of networks last time, so the number of listings has gone up since last year. As it was before, not all channels are available in all areas and some programming might be pre-empted for local programming instead. All time zones are

This is actually the simplest thing in the world to solve, so I’ll avail you of my spousal experience. You look at it and say, ‘Mmm, that looks good.’ You take it to the potluck and then every chance you get when she’s not around, you load up your plate with it so when she gets back the dish, a little less than half

I know I’m an asshole, but isn’t the correct Spousal Strategy to never get yourself into this situation, by not marrying the kind of person who would want to make a Sushi Casserole in the first place?

ooooooooh get bent