
Is this a serious question? To rephrase: You think that the proportion of people who thought that chattel slavery was morally acceptable in 1830 wasn't higher than it is now?

Well, if the show was going to stay true to time period, then Ichabod would be a white supremacist. So…

Or if they had taken the many little details that could have supported it and redone her arc such that she'd been some sort of evil mastermind Big Bad in waiting all along, at least.

Yep, this. That and his dismissive response to Abbie consoling him with the idea that he didn't have a choice, implying both that he did in fact consciously choose Abbie over Katrina in the heat of the moment AND that Katrina made her choice to be evil suggest that, oddness of the shot notwithstanding, there was

Yeah, but when Penguin has killed people he's either caught them perfectly in a trap where they were totally harmless to him, like with Eddie, or they're nobodies he was opportunisticly killing before he got in with Maroni. Say the gun doesn't have blanks in it and he guns down Maroni? Then what? Maroni's long time

Yeah, I'm not saying that's not true, I'm just saying I think they mucked it up because ultimately he took down someone identified as a bad guy. The bigger problem, though, is that the other characters are reacting to him all wrong. Gordon respects him, the captain likes him, and they're clearly teasing that Kringle

Who the show established as a corrupt official who helped Flass cover up the murder of a witness.

The biggest problem with this show is that the writers just don't get that no one is going to buy Gordon as the hero or get centrally invested in is quest to clean up Gotham because WE KNOW IT FAILS! We know Gotham gets worse from here to the point that a bunch of supervillains show up and Bruce has to become a

I thought the Penguin-Maroni stuff was good…right up until the payoff. Ok, Maroni found out Penguin worked with Falcone to take down Fish, and his plan is to…shoot Maroni at point blank range? There's nothing about that that's consistent with the character's development over the course of the season. Heck, he even

Good lord, how much more stupid could the Katrina storyline be? None, none more stupid.

The writers just seem like they really don't know how to lay out the storytelling without the breakneck pacing of Season 1, and though you can more or less see where everything is going, broadly speaking, the way they're getting us there is just terribly boring.