
That’s only because the people you’re talking about have been corrupted by exposure to corrosive capitalism. Don’t worry; once we achieve our pure society the ‘transformed man’ can finally rise, magically freed from the bonds of economic calculation. A fairytale ending for everyone!

This is exactly it. Socialists, be they democratic, communist or national all require one thing.... force. They refuse to acknowledge the gun in the room.

You could save time and just state the obvious.

Oh, those weren’t *real* socialism. Please look at western europe instead - at least until socialist experiments fail there too. Then I’ll pick a new example of “real” socialism.

So if we look back are we going to find leaders/prominent members of the DSA praising Chavez and Maduro? Or Castro’s Cuba?

I used to joke about how lifehacker had become “how to be a progressive”, but this seals the deal.

What a myopic view of politics in general. What was Obama? No less kabuki theatre than Trump. An effigy for upitty whites to pat themselves on the back for how nonracist they were.