They only require the application of spermicide if they are being used for birth control.
They only require the application of spermicide if they are being used for birth control.
Glad you found something to work for you, but that doesn’t mitigate the issues of putting a porous material up there, and adding vigorous movement that might excoriate the tissue enough to allow any bacteria or pathogens a way to get a hold.
Tarpons can get stuck.
I know some religions prohibit period sex. If you hide your period from a man who believes period sex is sacrilege, and he finds out, I’m sure he’d feel violated. I think such beliefs are silly and I don’t think I could have a relationship with someone who thought that way (due to religion or whatever), but I wouldn’t…
It’s not rapey. At. All.
Thanks for responding. I have a box of tampons at home that says sterile on the box (I’m also in Canada but not sure if that matters). I think the brand is OB? I could be wrong of course. Googling shows me that most aren’t. I don’t actually regularly use tampons anymore (that incident scarred me for life) but I keep…
Tarpons can get stuck. If we are going on anectodal evidence (which is all this article is), I’ve had a tampon get stuck. I didn’t notice it had gone all the way in there until 2 days went by and I noticed a discharge and smell. I freaked out. Felt all the way in found it but couldn’t get it because it had turned/…
If you make a “are you sponge worthy” joke will any of these young folk get the reference?
Correct, it’s not. At all. Jesus, dude.
Using subterfuge to have sex the other party is uncomfortable with.
and tongues won’t get anywhere near them.
Or, you know, just do it and then clean yourself up afterwards. Why risk getting something lost in your hoo-ha and getting sepsis?
but if you’re trying to avoid alerting a sex partner about your period altogether, this is not a great method
Takes more work than their usual order. There is no problem if the worker doesn’t mind and they aren’t slammed. If you are coming in and doing this during peak hours you are a dick.