One of the big reasons I still enjoy watching CS:GO, it’s so easy for me to follow (granted I’ve been playing counter strike for a very long time), tho it can get a bit jumpy when there’s a lot going on at once (like any game really).
I’ve built over a dozen, but anymore it actually cost more (when you factor in black friday) to build your own if your looking at $1-2k gaming rigs. I’m 32 and I just bought a complete PC for the first time over
Well I mean...that’s pretty normal
careening ONTO a group of people...fify
They were also running low 12s with a pully swap +tune.
I think the endgame (if we make it that far) will be uploading your entire consciousness into a digital reality with AI staying being to make sure the “network hardware” is safe, maybe a few “bone baggers” left behind to watch over them? Alas the human species would only exist in a digital sense, but who can argue w/…
Great point(s), I always remind people that we are physically engineered for Earth. You could (in theory) strip naked and walk into the woods and live for a long time (if lucky).
Wait ‘til Exxon finds a
Used to be a lot more than 20 cents...but you’re missing the point, this is New will cost more in insurance premium increases than it does to pay for an old Pakistani dude...that’s how NJ works...
I’ve lived in NJ for 25 years, I’ve only had to wait a handful of times, back when gas was +$4 and everyone would go to the turnpike on Tuesdays (I think) because they only changed their prices once a good times...
Fear not folks...I’m sure Phil Murphy will straighten this all out in a timely and cost effective fashion...
Did I ever tell you the one about Dinky Kang and his love for apples?
You’d never make it.
Thank you! Can’t believe I had to scroll this far. B6 people, jeez jalops are slippin’ these days.
FF9 and Crash 1-3 came out for PS4...
Honestly it would probably go under NATO control until the dust is settled and everyone else gets their debts paid back.
OOH...solid take!
Sir David Attenborough is my go to sleep guy, he should be a world heritage site. Props to documentary w/ Morgan Freeman or Mike Rowe as well.
Nope, but I mean it’s been a really long time since we’ve gotten any real ‘new’ DK so I’d be more surprised if they didn’t. maybe 2019 tho...