I had Pitch Black on VHS before it was cool. Also, Riddick is super fun, the ending was a little meh...but the first 3/4 was awesome.
I had Pitch Black on VHS before it was cool. Also, Riddick is super fun, the ending was a little meh...but the first 3/4 was awesome.
Can confirm. Race weekend is a f-ing shit show!
True story, will drive an extra 3 hours to avoid the people from New York that drive an extra 3 hours to my state’s beaches to avoid...the other New Yorkers...
Beaches and Monster Mile, also anyone with fam stationed @ dover, also dover downs, the fucking DogFish Head Brewery (awesome), etc.
I’m so lucky I logged in right before this match. Huuuuke was awesome. Snipedown killed it vs. Liquid but Optic was just tooo much, made me sad to see NV dispatched that quickly after an awesome run with all that momentum!
OOOh I wonder if you can ride that dragon guy I’ve seen flying around!!
IMO they have to release SOME kind of successor to the wii sports line. The one for Wii U was BULLshit imo @ $10/game type. I still play Wii Sports 2 Golf w/ my buddy.
Try looking on the stump for a symbol...
Oh yes I must find that town! Don’t spoil it! Hahaha
This Here...
I’m about 25 hours in (haven’t played much this week but played Friday through Monday). I’m trying to split my time btw side quests/wandering aimlessly(LOVE THIS) and the main quest.
He needs you to know how edgy he is. #extreme
I didn’t mean to imply people who play Zelda games are better than those who don’t.
So much for you not being a tool...
Aww man, I’ve done that accidentally a bunch of times driving my wife’s car. Nothing like pushing a clutch pedal that isn’t there and hitting the brake. I have large feet also...
I like the cut of your jib.