Business Dog

If the man has a lien on his TV, he should get his finances in order before starting any beefs.

Maybe because people are realizing that this show has no “end game”? No big reveal? No destination?

“I have this really fussy can opener that I always forget how to use and for some reason”

Says “words have meanings”... calls them “’metal’ of honor winners”

You know who never had a problem with pacing around the stage during a townhall debate? FDR.

In my teens, I said some really cringeworthy stuff in retrospect, especially my patronizing views on race relations and my homophobic opinions as well. Then I went out into the real world and learned that I was a phenomenal dumbass. To this day I’m embarrassed by the things I said.

Nope. If you’re running a sandwich shop, and you run out of pickles, you are obligated to close up shop for the day.

How dredluck formmed?

Looks like it’s just you with the proactive shitpost.

I don’t really mind the people who think it’s fake. This is a woman who got married for public attention. If somebody doubts her sincerity, it’s probably because they have existed in society sometime this decade.

RPN is fantastic, and any HP calculator of that vintage is fantastic. It’s all in the muscle memory.

Trump screwing people out of money means nothing to him because he’s never had to worry about it, but getting stiffed at this scale this literally ruins people’s lives.

My sister is a classic Trump supporter. She’s an amateur musician who’s been stiffed on gig fees and though she rails and badmouths the people who did it, she still believes the allegations against Trump are from “haters.” She’s also a victim of sexual assault and believes Ivana claiming it in her divorce filing was a