
"By this time next year we plan to have 100 restaurants open all across the whole of Alabama, and the year after that we'll have branches in every state of this fine country. 'Jimmy's Broken Glass and Anthrax Sandwiches' is going to be a household name.'

I thought it was Kristen Wiig

Finally a big screen version of Peggy Mitchell!

It's a solid album no matter how many times you listen to it, but it's never as good as the first time you put it on and he takes you for a ride , surprising and trolling you and teasing you brilliantly.

She's a great director, but disappointed there's not a single mention of Number 73.

He fell out of the douche tree hitting every douche branch on the way douche

Blood Simple is a brilliant performance by him, a film so infused with sweat it's as muggy as a swamp, and Hedaya is one of the all time great sweaters.

Can't believe I had to scroll down this far for a Run Ronnie Run ref

Was that a stealth Pete and Dud pun in the article title?

Dustin Cubic-Zirconia was pretty close

I remember years ago being annoyed that Lillard had been cast as Shaggy when I thought Dustin Diamond was perfect for the role, but in my defence:
1) at the time I evidently hadn't watched Saved By The Bell for at least 6 years and was under the impression Screech wasn't a hideous human pepper-spray
2) I didn't know

I thought it was the long-awaited sequel to Um Jammer Lammy

Sounds more like Fallen

Now we know…

Finally the possible return of Sexy David Cross. The one wearing a wig.

What, no love for The Good Guys? When I say slink, you say…

He should only rap about movies.
♫ Keep one foot on the floor, don't be poppin' your load
Cause everyone here's followin the Haze Code ♫

"The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by what toys it has in its claw machines."

A hard-Я?

Mine is called 'I Dick On The Sex Pistols'