
We are so close to the vaccine. It’s hard to say no to everything. There are some calculated risks we can take - read the science. Outdoors, distanced, no large gatherings, etc. But some things are a no. I don’t do anything indoors unmasked, at all.

The vaccine is being developed by Pfizer which is a German pharmaceutical company. Some people allege that Angela Merkel knew about this vaccine but had them wait to announce it until after the US elections to hurt Trump. I don’t believe that but I’m also okay if that were the case.

While I want this to be over and declared as much as everybody else, I take great solace and schadenfreude by the fact that days of watching this slip from his fingers must be absolute torture to Trump.

Where the average person would cast their ballot and then crawl under a rock to preferably die”

It really boils down to this: the Republican men want to fuck her, and the Republican women are mad that the Republican men want to fuck her

You seem to have a special gift.

There are two sides to this. Yes it is petty of her. But it is also VERY disrespectful towards her. If that executive had any fucking sense his answer should have been “We will get you as many passes as you want, and by the way can we get you a personal park guide and maybe some pictures of your family having a great

Yeah, I was like “LOL, I’ve never been to any Disney park because my family was always too poor. Too bad this billionaire couldn’t get an extra free pass for her nanny.”

There are an absolute ton of qualified, centrist Democrats. Having Jeff Flake and John Kasich in the cabinet will not bring along a lot of Republicans to Democratic positions because (1) they are not Democrats and do not believe in Democratic positions and (2) they are widely reviled within their own party. If Trump

The statements “Black Lives Matter” or “I Can’t Breathe” are not violations of that law [prohibiting voters from wearing items bearing the name of a candidate or political party on the ballot while at a polling location], but the poll worker thought the statements were tied to the Democratic Party

Not this shit yet again. I’m all for being 100% behind Biden until the electiom is signed, sealed and delivered and then for the progressive wing going to full blown war with him if necessary to kill this mindboggling insistence to reach across the aisle despite all the evidence that not only is it never reciprocated,

Meg Fucking Whitman? Just shoot me now. Hasn’t she failed at enough things?

And hopefully in a few weeks we can all call him “the former Senator from Georgia”.

Pence is now saying no to Plexiglass and wants to be closer to her. Fuck that shit, fuck him and his fugly wiife. Fuck Superspreader Trump and fuck The GOP. No. Keep your pasty white ass infected with COVID away from her. In fact take your ass back to Indiana where you will soon be anyway. Now Trump saying he wants to

Pence is going to smoothly and consistently pivot, obfuscate, and flat-out lie. He may, but may not, respond to any sharp points with barely veiled condescension. He will come across the entire time with an attitude of, “You really have some nerve speaking this way to your betters.” It will very much be like talking

Knowing he’s been hearing himself described as fat and old everywhere is one tiny gleam of light.

It took Herman Cain 28 days to die after his positive test. He tweeted 3 days before he died that he was really feeling better!

He lives in Idaho about 20 minutes from me. It’s been about 34 degrees each morning this week.  Probs a good temp for some juice.

I’m sure all our thoughts and prayers are with the coronavirus at this diffcult time.

I think the most chilling part - well, maybe not chilling, but most telling part - Is when, after fumbling for a way to answer, both Wallace and Biden were on both side of him telling him to “Ok, just say It.” And he just stood there, silent for a few seconds, trying to think of what to say that won’t also piss off