Got my Gameboy Advanced SP with FireRed/LeafGreen when I was 7.
Got my Gameboy Advanced SP with FireRed/LeafGreen when I was 7.
I would recommend getting yellow for an emulator on the computer. You can see if she can handle the game well. It involves a bit of strategy. That being said my 8 year old boy was able to handle it, but he got some advice from my 12 year old boy. And the 8 year old really just wanted to use the same pokemon and moves…
Go for it - my niece was the same age when she got Pokémon X/Y, and had the same interests in games. Had a lot of fun with it. Didn’t hurt that she had uncles who could trade with her :p
Though playing XY she may miss out on the social aspect if kids at school are playing SM
I’ve loved the games since I was about 10. I think she would love it. She might not finish the game, I never had the patience when I was younger, but I think she’d love it anyhow. The end can be a little challenging for kids (or at least me as a kid lol) but I’ve heard this game is a little easier than the past titles.
I played Pokemon Yellow when I was 7. From there my love for Pokemon grew and I have played the pokemon games ever since. I’d say your daughter will find it great!
Go for it! She’ll love it.
If your daughter is playing Spelunky she can probably handle this game I think. If you want to ease her into it, X & Y are easier yet still ‘modern.’
Can I presume you did that after you discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn?
I build it myself, out of hardwood that I sawed and sanded with the sides of my hands.