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    I don't know man!

    Thoughts and prayers with the Ball family.

    If I’m Houston, am waiting it out until GSW finally falls apart i.e. KD and Klay leave. That's the only way they can sniff anything remotely close to the finals. Sounds harsh but true.

    Alright Archie. Would he get f his feet dangling upside down from a window as well?😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Black people, get out of Tennessee now!

    What the buck did I just watch??

    KEVBRON. That's all I have to say. 

    Well said.

    There’s some truth to what you say, absolutely. But don’t lie and disguise yourself as a liberal. You clearly are not.

    Oh, that's what they call penalty in soccer, ahem football?

    What’s a penalty kick?

    The white blanket looks like it has a nose. Who else noticed that?

    I unfriend you.

    Now that the word is out, people will just transfer ownership to their legal relatives. Useless!

    Damn he’sa powerful man!

    I say open all attachments in a sandbox that contain test files, then watch activity before making attachment available to user. Can this be done programmatically?

    Doesn’t Ransomware use services/ processes that are part of the kernel to encrypt files? Can’t Windows make those services executable only after the user has been notified? Can’t they detect encryption activity and stop it on its tracks? There’s got to be a way for the OS to tell that files are being encrypted. This