
I was going to say Barbara Bush, but that also wouldn't be true.

Wow! Look, nothing.

Maybe your GB fandom is key. For the casual fan, the trailer is going to be the movie's one shot at getting their theater ticket purchase, more so now than in the past as there are so many different secondary viewing streams. Also, movies like GB that are probably not thought provoking works need to show that the

I remember when comments were first opened. Quite often the comments were more entertaining than the articles. Still happens on occasion, but the identity politics seed is strong.

That Pepsi Challenge was divisive af

No. Those are general much different types of advertising. But just so you know how logic works, your example would be much closer to "the ad for Carl's Jr is gratuitous and the food looks gross so I don't want to go and get that food". Would you have a problem with that? Because that's what you're saying. And I call

There's so much conflation in social issues. I probably wouldn't even watch the original GB movie at this point as it's mostly a vehicle for Bill Murray's one liners. They were fine, but the story is stiff and not worth watching for the parts already known.

Huh? Why would they have trailers if they didn't want people to make a judgement on the movie? If the best they can do to hype the movie bores the fuck out of someone, it's a bag of shit for that person.

Jargon. Rich.

Maybe the same sound a statement using a falsifiable premise conjuncted with a laughably synthetic premise. I am interested in your source for universal morality, though.

If you have two people of indistinguishable acting ability vying for the same part and who will convey the role equally, is it morally wrong to choose the person the casting director finds more attractive? Wouldn't that make any sort qualitative preference equally immoral? What if the hiring practices were based

Let's do the math…There's approx. 3.5 billion women in the world. Let's say a rare percentage of them can actually act professional. I'll go by my highschool's success rate of 1 of the 300 girls so .33%. And then, of the girls that can act professionally, let's say 1 of every 1000 can act well enough to carry a

I've done quite a bit of work in IR control over the past decade. There is some good news in that IR isn't a great way to deliver control over many devices. The equipment to simultaneously disable a crowd of devices would be very expensive and probably still require a dedicated operator. That part's not going to

The IR sensor in this case is the actual cam, so you can block the cam or have the signal block it for you. Most phones (or all phones) don't have IR specific sensors, though some do have emitters. Mine has an emitter and that means I could program it to block other phone video recording functions as well.

Sorry, I've seen it mentioned several times now by different people. I didn't get that vibe, maybe because I don't expect that sort of functionality to work on Zombie Mountain (hey, there's a terrible Disney Movie). Obviously he was pretty vile as a human.

It carried a bit of the framing Hudsucker Proxy used in its opening, which was surprising the first view through. Because there was actually something of possible relevance in the shot (the burning Sept), I sort of expected a trucking shot once Tommen left the frame the first time. When he came back in frame, it was

Where does the rape part come from?

So Jon's real name is Beatrix Kiddo?

Agreed on that part. Until the cut to Jon's face I was thinking it was straight up TV bollocks. And it still is, really. I don't know how greenseering works, but couldn't Bran just resee the scene and get close enough to hear it? It seemed like a thing specifically done towards the TV audience.