
It's 2017. It's going to happen.

Last Night An Incest Saved My Life

He's going to warg into Jon in front of everyone and say what color underwear Sansa's wearing.

Why would it need to be a secret if Jon was anything but Targaryen?

It will be interesting when they actually do caregiving I guess. So far, they've mostly been out-patriarchying the Patriarchy. The irony of the revenge porn worship is pretty great.

The servant girl tried but failed to solve a rubik's cube in 27 seconds. She had it coming.

or Michael Martin McCersei sings "Wyldefyre"

She didn't know. She was just making it up as she went along.

No. No one. Not even you.

You can't trust midwives now, you couldn't trust midwives then.

I kept waiting for Joy Division's Ceremony to fade in

I liked Red Just Desserts

that explains the random goat slaughters

and this guy peed on it

One might think cheaper sneakers, except the sneakers don't seem that much cheaper. What are their overheads?

Targaryens marry Targaryens.

She did. Good for her. Those guys weren't even fit to eat.

depends on whether line voltage or battery power is being used

Is there a corollary to Godwin's Law that addresses Radiohead lyrics?

look, we just want to cross this bridge with as little hassle as possible