
It’s also not a new story. I read an article on this (I want to say last year?) and she talked about how she came from a super privileged, wealthy background and her embarrassment over her participation in this ball. I’m trying to find it now but every page of google is dominated by this latest news.

Lol, what?

Am I missing something? I see no connection other than the origins of the festival or party or whatever that would tie her to KKK leanings. If dumbass Black people wanted to join that bullshit, that’s of course their choice but I don’t see where she was personally connected to the KKK or even racism. I also think it’s

Not really sure what you mean by “peddling” but most streamers never ask people for donations. They welcome them but never state “hey donate money to me”. Also the streamers that have the big contracts are in the minority. Not every streamer gets million dollar sponsorships. Add to the fact that the people who donate

Now, when you’re selecting a course, if you choose the “random Battlefield” icon, you’ll get one of the three.

fairly certain she’s the redhead also here.

I’m so glad you mentioned Kaiba! I agree, it’s hard to call it tropey as it’s so singularly unique. Although I do think it might take the right kind of person to enjoy, anime-watcher or not.

Bebop is mentioned at the top of the article as the show that everyone recommends to newcomers, so I assume it’s the article’s de facto ninth recommendation

Yeah, the lack of Cowboy Bebop makes this list quite suspect. The show has held up and I can usually sell people with the line “Did you like Firefly? Firefly basically stole its entire concept from Cowboy Bebop.”

I’ve seen a lot of anime, though I’m also a major critic of most anime... and both Black Lagoon and Monster come up as mediocre in my mind. They do nothing to leverage the medium, and Monster in particular goes on and on and on... amounting to very little by the end. Should’ve kept it a concise 26 episodes, I think.

I’m sorry you don’t approve of my lifestyle choices of sampling dangerous metallic-tasting water from ominous Cold War relics. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

*Turns chair around and sits on it*

“Hey, kids, let’s rap. You know who really hated excessive grinding? Moses. He had to grind 40 years before he got to the end of the Egypt level.”

No-knock raids should be illegal.

If those leaks are real, - and I hope they aren’t - I am definitely sitting this one out.

Clicking the link helps since it lays out her plan. Like increasing Title 1 funding, and creating grants. Her plan also has links to literature from sources like the NEA and school districts.

you’re not wrong. watch, im taking names and gender out.

I don't care what anyone else says, the PSX version is the definitive version. It's the OG, hard to be more definitive than that, IMO.