A new type of bipedal walking system! The missing link between infantry and artillery. Metal Gear.
A new type of bipedal walking system! The missing link between infantry and artillery. Metal Gear.
I’ve heard that moving from the field to mother base and back to the field is a hassle. Supposedly the process takes longer than it needs to. Any comment or musing on this issue?
Kaz refers to “crap in San Hironymo” or something like that. I always assumed that bits and pieces of it were canon. (i.e. Big Boss and Roy Cambell being bros never happened)
Metal Gear Pachinko featuring “erotic espionage” pls I need
Is this game related to Rod Lima’s project?
A sometimes buggy game, but a sweet one. The gameplay is solid but won’t change your life.
I, too, miss Leo :(
Geez man after seeing that prototype version, that’s the one I want to play.
I think you are right, in a sense, to imply that From Software should not be made to sift through user mods to see who is hacking and who simply has a convenience mod, however, between players who can drop save corrupting items into the world of other players and frame rate related bugs that ruin equipment, this mod…
The Evil Within’s $12 deal is for the physical PC release.
The Evil Within’s $12 deal is for the physical PC release.
I do not mean to be demanding, I am very appreciative of these listings... But could it be denoted if a PC game deal is physical or digital?
I do not mean to be demanding, I am very appreciative of these listings... But could it be denoted if a PC game deal…
Brace yourselves, this is a long one.
“The Q hears that Final Fantasy 7 may already be prepped for an Ultra launch this fall.”
Ah, pardon me friend. I did not wish to imply that you stated that he played the PC version when he did not, merely that he did not play the PC version and most likely thought it would be inappropriate to comment on what he did not experience.