I imagine someone using their throat to let out a low pitched sound "LOUL".
Can a brother get an artsy isometric point and click adventure with rhythm elements?
I logged back into Kotaku after 3 months just to approve of this.
Sometimes when people say stuff that reminds Clementine of specific choices you made in season 1, she'll react. It depends on your choices but, for me, Clem had a particularly abrupt yet subtle change in mood after someone made light of the subject of losing an arm.
I just finished the first episode. It's definitely a a very different kind of narrative than the first and it feels both new and uncomfortable; in a good kind of way I guess.
I think the puzzles more so exist to let you sync in with the character's thinking a little. The classic style of puzzle is great but it's perhaps not all that proper with the more cinematic tone of Telltale Games games.
I died a few times and there was no cut-to-black to spare the bleakness of it. They aren't necessarily more explicit but I'd say the shock from a game over is most definitely worse, given how brutally overpowered she can get before having a new one ripped.
If they haven't sent you your key it's not too late to ask for a refund. That's what I did last week after deciding I wanted it attached to my steam account. Seeing as the game was released a few minutes ago, however, I'm not entirely sure you still have any window of opportunity. Best of luck to you.
I'd recommend PC, as it's (arguably) easier to make backups of your save data. You'll also have the option to use a mouse/keyboard or a controller.
Oh man, that game looks both very strange and very great. I'm gonna have to look it up.
Pardon me, it's just that I know very little of genetics and found myself quite curious.
This looks like the most inspired "push buttons until you successfully operate a foreign vehicle" simulator since Another World:
Hrm... I thought they went to Savannah to visit Diana's sister? Maybe Clementine will talk about her parents a little more in season two.
Lol, well hey, do you have a Steam account? I bet we could get a group going, or find one that exists already.
I always thought she was like, half Caucasian, one fourth African, and one fourth Asian.
Weirdly enough both of her parents very black.
I can empathize with Trwowe I guess, his efforts boil down to trying to... tell a woman that her boyfriend is cheating on her so that she doesn't find out herself? I guess I don't really understand how that works so well if he actually then sent her a video of the guy having sex with someone else.
Aw man, I think it really benefits from being released over time. One of the best parts about the game is talking with friends who also play it and comparing your choices/discussing what's going to happen next.