
Buhhhh I suck at blitz. Can't we just play some Mog House or something?

Seriously though, it would be cool if they someday released a version of blitz ball that was online.

Well hey, if they allow the option to use the advanced sphere grid and the ability to skip cut scenes then paint me interested. So far some of the re-rendered environments are really drawing me in.

I agree, I had an eyebrow raised to all but the final sentence.

You nailed my take on it.

It's how they scare off their predators. Nah, but seriously, the claws grow back after a while.

I'm being sincere. I retract my original statement as it was brash and I barely know anything about it.

Pardon me, it seems I have spoken with rash spite. Your post reminds me to view neither Maxis nor DICE as one giant EA conglomerate and was informative of DICE's more impactful position for content.

Pfft. That didn't stop 'em from SimCity DLC.

Alas, in two years people will have no enthusiasm left to bemoan this and Google will still have their system. People will still be dicks with textile representations of dicks, but I'm loath to think anyone will still be bothered by Google + integration after it's been the standard for so long.

Glad to have you back Leo!

Excellent point. You retain the aspect of being distinctly European while still being comprehendable to an English speaker, be he American or otherwise.

Bless this post.

To this day The Walking Dead is the only game I have 100% achievements for. I share in your guilty desire.

They do have the whole cast of 400 days to play around with, too. Not that I'm complaining; I'm thrilled to see Omid again!

You know, someone actually did do an inspection on the models used for the silhouetted figures and they turned out being texture-less versions of Doug and Ben. (placeholders, obviously) However I don't think Telltale really thinks that far ahead, so I seriously doubt they decided who they were before they began

What is next, a Sherlock word find? Seriously though, this looks alright for free.

I guess we all experience the game differently. I was at the end of my rope with Ben and Kenny, Omid and Christa were the only people to follow me into episode 5. To be honest I came to see them as the most dependable and rational of my companions I had thus far met besides Doug. (rip) It did me good to envision them

Omid lives! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

In dragon form? I feel you, brother.