What I've learned about racing is that no matter how close you are to winning, untill you have actually won you have gained nothing. You can feel no euphoria before the finish or you will leave an open door for fate to fuck you up. And then it often does.
Wait, that means they within 10 years they went from making cast iron petrol engines to aluminium diesels? Nice!
It seems somewhat cruel to be illegal to be poor around priviledged pricks, although I do also understand the point of view of a privileged prick since I am one.
I think they are marks that the car has been checked and cleared of passangers by the rescue crews.
I cringed when they said that the Baja's terrain has been "created" which somewhat implies purpose and intent. Erosion and other natural geological phenomena are usually described as simply "shaping" and "forming" the pre-clustered by gravity Earth, following the basic principles of physics and chemistry and thus are…
I thought you were Bulgarian because of the registration plate. I'm Bulgarian, that's why.
Is it yours?
I've never understood these "themed builds" - it's just plain rice with different flavoring. YUCK! I love metal but this is just tacky and tasteless. It exposes one of the biggest hypocrisies about metal fans - we hate the mainstream fashion crap and detest generic music which exists only because its trendy for a few…
Brave man! Also skilled and lucky.
My girl has had similar pervert experiences, fortunately without my presence. I say fortunately, because I might be writing this from a low security jail right now for premeditated murder.
The Fiesta was fine. It went right back to a seventy mile an hour cruise without complaint. No shimmy in the wheel, no nothing. If it weren't for the scrapes, you'd never know I dented it.