I hope they get raped in court, fucking lowlifes. I got so angry and this isn't even my car...
I hope they get raped in court, fucking lowlifes. I got so angry and this isn't even my car...
It was. I contemplated a purchase myself.
This is what happened to me when I started consulting a friend of my mother on a car she needed to buy. We were discussing important properties and when she mentioned boring cars I quickly ran out of arguments why beige cars are bad - she has no clue what's up. So I went ahead and recommended her the blandest, most…
What you did takes effort and talent. Today a supervisor of mine who is actually a really nice guy made me feel humiliated and emasculated just because I happened to be solving a seemingly trivial issue in front of him. After describing the problem aloud to him and hearing it myself as a bystander, the answer became…
So now I had an etiquette conundrum: do I correct this guy and let him know that whoever sold him the car lied? Or do I not spoil his dream and just go on my way?
Moore's law is already proven to be no more valid, but I like your analogy nevertheless. It may also be the reason why luxury manufacturers are constantly cramming useless stuff like variable ratio steering in their cars, just to keep further away from the plebeians.
You make a good point, I was unfair. Maybe I'm mad at Jag because of the self-blow-job of an ad on top of the main page - that thing makes me gag.
You're right about the XJ (I had forgotten it), but it still seems like cheap marketing bullshit. Maybe all-AL monocoques are still not widespread, but they are at least a well-known technology. But yeah, I was unfair.
There's a third kind of driver, though. They're hard nuts to crack. You don't get a good interview from them right away, but hang out with them for long enough and you start to see a more determined character. You start to see a bit of humor, lightness, humanity. For all of their high-speed driving, they're very…
Work is done. The kids are (hopefully) out of the house. Now it's just you and the wife (or husband), and possibly your dog, Winks (your dog will be named Winks). What's the car to buy?