biturboism, the cult

If it wasn't for this logo right here, Merc will constantly shove this phallic beauty in our faces, just like Audi does with their Nazi prototypes that don't have the Swastika.

In Bulgaria it's shameful to park front-in and literally only those who can't back-up do it. So maybe this is why I think it's ok - it's your turn to park and you have the choice of how to do it - the you just don't get mad when someone else does it and you wait. In sweden many are too lazy to back-up, but the people

When done perfectly, the driver will have been attempting to show off, somehow, usually by whipping out of a parking space dramatically, noisily, and rapidly. Then, in all the excitement and mind-clouding joy that comes with reversing rapidly, the mistake happens.

I'm from Bulgaria and I know only bad things about these, on the same level as "Запорожец". Despite that, I love them to bits and would very much like to own one some day, along with a big ZIL or something - just to wrench about and to keep busy :)


1 point 7 metric tonnes. DUDE!

Now, is that going to fail and fall apart after a few summers and winters on the street? I don't know. Do Citroën know? Unlikely. And when it falls apart, buyers will call the French surrendermonkeys again and buy a VW. They've been there, done that.

9.) Pale Yellow

This one might have been real and hilarious, but that doesn't make the previous one not-fake.

I expected to see the 'Ring here. But it might betray the fact that *wispers* it's not British.

I'll just go for it and say: This is the best steering wheel I've ever seen. I hate what the paddles control and I don't need the buttons, but that's irrelevant.

What do you mean?

At least they don't lie to themselves. Keepin it real.

From the outside, though, there's not much going on with the Ocean Race-ers. There's also no official word on whether they're coming to the U.S., but Volvo's going to make 16,000 of them starting this spring, so there's a chance.

They actually did - the V12 TDi.

Ultra-cheesy tuner taillights?

The crystals are doing two primary things: reflecting and refracting ambient light in ways that we've culturally become trained to identify with wealth and luxury, and refracting the light generated by arrays of LEDs that act as the daytime running lights and turn indicators of the car. The headlights are not affected


I wouldn't say only in Russia - I think you underestimate how shit the World really is. I don't want to advocate for Russia because it really is inexcusable by modern western standards, but currently for more than 3 billion people in extreme poverty it would seem like heaven.