Ugh, this would be way worse than an Uber driver making a pass. I wouldn’t rent out a room to a stranger & wouldn’t stay in someone else’s house alone.
Ugh, this would be way worse than an Uber driver making a pass. I wouldn’t rent out a room to a stranger & wouldn’t stay in someone else’s house alone.
I love this!
Ouch! Even I wasn’t that harsh. I mean, she has a like talent. Shouldn’t that be the best thing?
I read the Gawker family all day. And I understand my comment- caring less & less if the fans do.
Yes, I am on commenting on a blog entry precisely because it underscores why I don’t watch such interviews. Didn’t “see” this one & have no plan to see others. I think that is clear.
This is why I pay attention to the work celebs do & not them.
Kill the raping murderers twice.
I think yoga is awesome- as long as it is presented as yoga w/ its historical and religious components intact.
This a non issue from the studio’s viewpoint.
This is ridiculous. The Boy Scouts are a private organization with a different charter and goals than the Girl Scouts. If the parents are so concerned with their daughters having a satisfactory scouting experience - then 1 or 2 would step up to lead a new Girl Scout troop or create a new scouting organization.
I understand that this is supposed to be progress, I just don’t see it.
Lol...why would the nanny be in pics with the kids, like at all?
Well, of course- there are worse experiences as well.
IDK. I am a Black woman and zero careers outside of hair styling, civil service or social work are hospitable to me & mine.
Naw, I am definitely for staggered benefits. Why in the world should I provide the same benefits to day 2 employee, who has yet to prove their value to the company, as to the long timer?
I can understand restricting paid leave to employees who’ve been there for a certain amount of time- that is fair. Requiring that someone come back after leave or come up out of pocket is idiotic.
Nope- it is an independent living human at birth. I am not suggesting testing a fetus in utero - just after birth. Even then,I am not suggesting charging the birth mother with assault or anything - just terminating her parental rights.
Do you mean responsible for the mother doing drugs? How would that work?
I don’t care if it is illegal or not. Having addicts; as well as, people with poor decision making skills in the family- I just want women who birth babies w/ illegal / harmful substances in their systems to lose parental rights.
No, but I’d let him hit me.