Burn It To The Ground

the problem isn’t the process, it is the racist xenophobic bigot the process chose. Not that hard to understand

I have a problem with historical movies only a few years removed from the events they portray. They should be made with more distance and less passion. It seemed like World Trade Center and United 93 were written mere minutes after the towers fell. The Benghazi fanfic too, that was only months after the event at issue.

No puppet.

God save us from President Pence.

That is the face of a man who did not see this coming.

As a Pats’ fan, I hate that anyone on the New England Patriots might support this hate-fueled, orange demagogue, but then I remember that most owners and coaches of sports franchises are horrible, horrible assholes. Except you, Cuban. You’re all right.

Yet another reason to despise the New England Scoundrels

Shiplap: Check. Giant clock: Check. Gratuitous family scene: Check. My work here is done.

I work in reality tv, well I used to. Anything where money is exchanging hands is fake. Legal stuff. Container, pawn, this. Might have truth to it or behind it but not straight up documentary. Also if you ungray me I can tell you these things faster.

I think you mean, Emperor Trump.

It’s company policy never to imply ownership in the event of a dildo… Always use the indefinite article A dildo, never YOUR dildo.

Hearing Wrigley sing is fucking great

Wtf have you done?!?

I’ll get you out of the greys. You need to be publicly shamed.