Bitter Young Man

This is my favorite headline.

And that much better when you find out it is

We're looking for 12 identical hamster pictures, and they must be absolutely perfect.

And now I want to see a Werner Herzog monologue about making eye contact with Trump..

The A.V. Club

To provide some repose to people reading this thread - here's a ska song about how cool Mike Mullane is:…
It's important when getting in touch with the bad in the world to keep in the back of your head there is also good in the world.

The waitress in the photo looks exactly the same as the guy in the photo. They have absurdly similar facial features.

I thought it cat poop coffee, not @podbaydoors:disqus poop coffee.

Which one?

And then I got to the exit on Wabash and Lake, and can you believe it, it was broken!!

6) the odds of our universe being used to run a car battery, on the other hand, are a lot better

You are the mental projection of your fat, pasty, no-Efron digital self.

The pigeon man episode for me, every damn time.

Carla Azar would be offended if she wasn't too cool to give a shit.

It's because of his facial expression

I met a man
He was a good man
Sailing and shoring

What a mighty little man.


He maintains, right? I thought that was obvious.
